4 Mormonism through the Lens of Translation Studies
Hikma 23(2) (2024), 1 - 23
process. In turn, López Alcalá2 (2014) writes about the first translations of the
Book of Mormon into Spanish, which were carried out by a former military
officer from Spain named Melitón González Trejo. López Alcalá (2017) has
also explored the habitus–or set of dispositions, tendencies, and inclinations–
of LDS (Latter‑day Saints) translators who translate Mormon sacred texts from
English into the world’s many languages. Even so, the production of
translations in languages other than Spanish has failed to draw the attention
of translation scholars.3 What these isolated studies indicate is that there is
no scholarship within Translation Studies concerned with ongoing efforts to
translate the Book of Mormon or other LDS scripture. One might surmise that
these are perhaps deemed similar enough to the efforts of Bible translators,
and thus they have not proven sufficiently interesting.
What is particularly interesting, however, is the account of Smith and
his production of the Book of Mormon in English. What makes it remarkable
in Translation Studies is not that it involves angelic visitations, buried ancient
gold, or even the birth of a religion, but rather that it provides a case study for
the depth of the concept of translation. The implications of Smith claiming that
the book was a translated text (as opposed to an inspired text or even a
fantastical text) provide translation scholars with the opportunity to explore the
role of translation in society. Again, the story is interesting because it can show
something about translation. In essence, the account of the coming forth of
the Book of Mormon is seen as valuable in developing translation theory.
In so doing, translation scholars tend to reject the supernatural
elements of Smith’s story and focus on the Book of Mormon as a product of
the culture in which it emerged. In other words, translation scholars are not
interested in trying to find evidence for or against the Book of Mormon as an
ancient text but rather treat it as an early 19th-century, American text that was
presented as a translation. Toury (2005, pp. 11-14) argues that the
presentation of the Book of Mormon as a translation was an act of deliberate
cultural planning intended to strengthen the position of the book. His interest
2 Samuel López Alcalá is a translation scholar at Brigham Young University whose academic
training is in Translation and whose publications are in the field of Translation Studies. His
research interests are found in translation history and translation theory, lenses through which at
times he explores Mormon issues. This is evident in his bemoaning the lack of attention paid to
translation “in the historiography of Mexican Mormonism” (López Alcalá, 2020, p. 56) and his
subsequent exploration of the role that translation played in early LDS proselytizing in Mexico
(López Alcalá, 2020, pp. 58-63).
3 The translation of the Book of Mormon into languages other than Spanish has garnered the
attention of scholars in Mormon Studies. For example, the Journal of Book of Mormon Studies
published a series of articles that describe the book’s translation into French (McClellan, 2002),
German (Scharffs, 2002), Italian (Homer, 2002), and Welsh (Dennis, 2002). The same journal
later published two articles regarding translation into Japanese (Gessel, 2005; Takagi, 2009).
None of these articles are situated in the field of Translation Studies.