The analysis of the collected data clearly indicates that the translator
of TT2 tended to directly translate speech tags regardless of their length. In
TT1 and TT3, translation shifts were implemented at least twice as often as
in TT2; however, while direct translations are often associated with lower
quality translations, in this case, such an approach was, at times, preferable,
as the translation was better, or at the very least, not incorrect.
Since one of the most frequently used verbs in the ST was said, it
displayed the largest variety of synonymy when translated into Lithuanian.
The translation of character names / references to characters or translation
of nouns shows no real trend, as most of the recorded cases were either
directly translated or occurred only once or twice.
Translation of speech tags, while unpopular in research, is an
interesting area of study, which helps establish a better understanding of the
translator’s stylistic preferences, and the expectations of the target readers.
Depending on the quality of the translation, a speech tag can greatly
enhance the interpretation of the spoken words, or completely diminish their
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