Transletters. International Journal of Translation and Interpreting 7(2) (2023), pp. 113-117 ISSN 2605-2954
1st International Conference on Didactic Audiovisual
Translation and Media Accessibility
Mariona Sabaté Carrové
University of Lleida
Received: 15/05/2023
Accepted: 18/07/2023
The inaugural TRADIT23 conference, organized by the TRADIT (i.e., TraducciĂłn
Audiovisual Didáctica, in English Didactic Audiovisual Translation) research group
and members of the TRADILEX project (i.e. TRADucciĂłn audiovisual como recurso
DIdáctico en el aprendizaje de Lenguas EXtranjeras), took place on March 23rd and
24th, 2023. Pre-conference workshops were also held on March 22nd. This ground-
breaking international event focused on the practical applications of revoicing and
subtitling in L2 (i.e. second language) education settings. With a diverse range of
topics explored, including language awareness through DAT (i.e., Didactic
Audiovisual Translation), didactic media accessibility, videogames in DAT,
multimodality and intermediality, accessibility in performing arts and museums, DAT
for specific purposes, didactic revoicing, and gender and ethnicity in DAT, the
conference attracted 150 participants, including organizers, speakers, both online and
onsite attendees, and collaborators, all actively contributing to the discussions.
Key Words
TRADIT; TRADILEX project; didactic audiovisual translation; media accessibility;
language education
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Distinguished guests, including Dr. Ana Lisbona Bañuelos, Vice-Chancellor of
Students and Inclusion, Dr. Beatriz PĂ©rez Cabello de Alba, Vice-Dean of
Transference and Research and VICD, 1st Vice Dean Philology Faculty, Dr.
Mariona Sabaté Carrové
MÂŞ Dolores Castrillo de Larreta-Azelain, Director of the Department of
Foreign Philologies and Linguistics, Dr. Noa Talaván, President of TRADIT23
and Principal researcher of the TRADILEX (i.e. TRADucciĂłn audiovisual
como recurso DIdáctico en el aprendizaje de Lenguas EXtranjeras) project,
along with Dr. Jennifer Lertola, Vice-President of TRADIT23, were present at
the opening ceremony of the two-day event, thereby formally inaugurating the
proceedings. The program consisted of intellectually stimulating parallel
sessions and thought-provoking plenary conferences, and the subsequent
summary provides a concise overview of these engaging scholarly activities.
Section 1
The inaugural plenary session took place on Thursday, 23rd March, featuring
Agnieszka Szarkowska from Uniwersytet Warszawski, Poland. The session
delved into the realm of experimental research in didactic AVT (i.e. audiovisual
translation). Professor Szarkowska shed light on the advantages that
experimental research brings to the field of didactic AVT, as well as the
accompanying opportunities and challenges. In her comprehensive
presentation, she explored various facets of the field's development, including
methodologies, the necessity of training, the robustness of current research
findings, and their practical applicability. Additionally, she proposed future
research avenues and sought to contextualize DAT (i.e., didactic audiovisual
translation) within related disciplines, such as second language acquisition and
audiovisual translation.
Also on Thursday, 23rd March, Dr. Frederic Chaume-Varela from Universitat
Jaume I, Spain, delivered the second plenary session under the title "How
streaming platforms and cloud technologies can revolutionize language
learning: A focus on dubbing." The session explored the transformative
potential of streaming platforms and cloud technologies in the realm of
language education, with a particular emphasis on the practice of dubbing. Dr.
Chaume-Varela emphasized that dubbing possesses the ability to captivate
language learners and facilitate second language acquisition, attributing this
effectiveness to two key factors. Firstly, the integration of foreign/second
language audiovisual content into our daily lives and leisure activities has
reshaped language learning from a mere obligation to an enjoyable form of
entertainment. Secondly, dubbing offers learners the opportunity to acquire
language skills while simultaneously developing proficiency in a new
profession. Dr. Chaume-Varela presented an array of materials and translation
1st International Conference on Didactic Audiovisual Translation and Media Accessibility
strategies utilized in the translation and adaptation process for dubbing,
highlighting their invaluable role as resources for L2 acquisition.
On Friday, 24th March, Dr. Anna Marzá from Universitat Jaume I, Spain,
delivered the third plenary conference titled "Expanding the Frontiers of AVT
and Language Teaching and Learning: Insights from the PLURITAV (i.e.,
Audiovisual Translation as a Tool for the Development of Multilingual
Competences in the Classroom) Experience." The presentation revolved
around the comprehensive overview of the PLURITAV project, aimed at
examining the impact of active AVT on students' plurilingual competence. Dr.
Marzá emphasized the importance of incorporating Didactic Sequences and
introducing a specialized assessment tool tailored for evaluating plurilingual
competence. The second part of the presentation delved into a thorough
exploration of the intricate relationship between AVT and language teaching
and learning. The stimulating presentation sparked engaging discussions
among the attentive audience.
During the final plenary session, Dr. Jorge DĂ­az-Cintas from the University
College London, UK, presented a conference entitled "The Power of
Audiovisual Translation: Transforming Language Learning." Dr. DĂ­az-Cintas
emphasized the historical and contemporary significance of interlingual
translation in foreign language classrooms, highlighting its well-deserved
recognition in educational settings. He also underscored the exciting
advancements in the field of DAT, such as subtitling, dubbing, and
audiodescription, which have enhanced the foreign language learning
experience. However, Dr. DĂ­az-Cintas expressed regret over the limited
integration of these new technologies and the practice of audiovisual
translation in foreign language classrooms.
The Round table event on Friday, 24th March, titled "Perspectives from the
TRADILEX Project: From Macrostructure to Microstructure," showcased a
panel comprising Dr. Noa Talaván, Dr. Pilar Couto-Cantero, Dr. Mariona
Sabaté-Carrové, Dr. Carolina Gonzalo, and Dr. Anca Frumuselu. During this
session, the experts shared their diverse experiences with the TRADILEX
Project over the past three years. They delved into the methodological design
and piloting encounters of the project across multiple higher education centers
in Spain. Furthermore, valuable insights were provided regarding the analysis
of integrating DAT experiences within the CLIL (i.e., Content and Language
Integrated Learning) context. The panel also embarked on exploring potential
future research directions, encompassing the implications of TRADILEX in
Mariona Sabaté Carrové
translation training and its applicability to different proficiency levels (A1, A2,
C1, and C2).
The significant number of parallel sessions offered during this Conference
serves as an indication of its notable success, captivating nature, and active
engagement. These sessions were conducted across four distinct rooms,
ensuring optimal timing and strict adherence to the predetermined schedule.
Attendees had the privilege to actively interact with the speakers during
designated coffee and lunch breaks, contributing to a congenial and relaxed
atmosphere. While most speakers attended the conference in person, a
minority of them delivered their presentations remotely. In both cases, all these
participatory modes were executed flawlessly.
Figure 1. Poster picture of TRADIT23
The conference's remarkable success and the significant contributions made by
the participants suggest a strong likelihood of a future second edition. The
insights and research presented during this event provide a solid foundation
for further exploration and advancement in the field of didactic AVT. The
collaboration between experts, researchers, and educators showcased at the
conference paves the way for continued interdisciplinary dialogue and the
1st International Conference on Didactic Audiovisual Translation and Media Accessibility
development of innovative approaches to language teaching and learning
through AVT.