José Javier Ávila-Cabrera
addition, the research objectives are summarised in terms of delving into
intercultural teaching in an L2. Next, the research methodology (regarded as
applied and theoretical) and study (considered descriptive and analytical) with a
heuristic purpose are distinguished. Finally, the research structure is presented
to the reader by summarising each of the chapters.
Conceptual Framework is the second chapter, which is key to understanding
culture in its widest sense. Among the several definitions of culture presented,
the author agrees on a definition of it that bonds people together and makes
them different from others. Next, Rodríguez Arancón revises the connection
between language and culture from the ancient Greeks up to the present. In
addition, the evolution of the study of intercultural communication is depicted,
a term used for the first time by Edward T. Hall who also considered himself
the founder of this field. The most important authors are also referenced here.
This section finishes with a definition of intercultural competence, as a
combination of knowledge, skills and motivation that help individuals act
efficiently in different cultural environments. The sociological approaches to
the study of interculture are described through diverse theories. Next, the most
important aspects of systemic functional linguistics (SFL) are illustrated in
order to justify the use of the blended learning environment of the project I-
AGENT (Intelligent Adapted Generic English Tutor), conducted by the
research group ATLAS (Applying Technology to LAnguageS). The chapter
finishes by emphasising the use of Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) in the teaching and learning context. Rodríguez Arancón
defends the fact that ICT tools cannot be the goal itself, but rather the means
to engage learners in their learning process, which requires teachers to be
technologically competent, in addition to having the necessary teaching
knowledge and abilities. In addition, the blended learning context, understood
as hybrid, distributed or flexible learning, among others, is detailed.
Chapter 3, The Role of Culture in Second Language Policy, Teaching and Learning
Objects, is at the core of this book. In the first place, it approaches how
linguistic policies are influencing current teaching methodologies. The
linguistic policies in Australia, Japan and the USA are depicted, as well as an
illustration of how the European linguistic policy has evolved in the last few
years. Two organisations deal with this policy: The Council of Europe and the
EU; the former being in charge of undertaking the CEFR, considered a key
reference in the European context for language pedagogy. In addition, this
chapter analyses the study of cultures based on the most relevant theories of
L2 teaching methods. The final section of the chapter deals with the