Focus and Scope

CCO is an international Journal that appears once a year. It aims at publishing papers written in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish, as well as Arabic. The papers should be unpublished and related to Christian production in Arabic, Coptic, Syriac and Ethiopic, although topics dealing with the Christian tradition contained in other languages of Oriental Christianity like Armenian, Georgian and Greek can also be accepted. Likewise, the thematic spectrum of the Journal includes those Rabbinical subjects that concern Christianty. More specifically, the production of Christians in Arabic includes both that developed in Eastern and in Western countries (al-Andalus, northern Africa, Italy, as well as Greece, Cyprus and Turkey). The fields of study covered by this philologically oriented Journal will include the area of literature (in any textual tradition) as well as the area of linguistics. Papers related to other fields like History, Archaeology, History of Art, Liturgy and Sociology will also be accepted.

Peer Review Process

Papers will be sent confidentially and anonymously to be analysed by two experts who are neither members of the journal editing body nor part of the editorial council. They may belong to the Assessing Committee, as long as they do not belong to the journal Editorial Board. They will deliver a report concerning the convenience of the article’s publication, which will be taken into consideration by the Editorial Board secretariat. Announcement of the publication of the paper, or if not revision recommendations will be communicated to the author. If the evaluating experts disagree, the paper shall be sent to a third evaluator. A revised paper may be considered for publication conditionally to the inclusion of changes. It must be corrected and returned to the authors of the Journal at the most within a month, whether the changes demanded be mayor or minor.  If it were necessary, the new version will again be sent to the external evaluators; this process will continue until the paper merits a definitive acceptance from the Journal. The authors will receive a notification concerning the evaluation reports from the evaluators so that they may (if necessary) perform some corrections. If the paper were printable but demanded small changes, these will be performed by a drafting committee in contact with the author; but may also be returned to the author for him to change those details that the drafting committee might consider necessary.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides open access to its content on the principle of giving the public free access to research support to a greater global exchange of knowledge.