Quotations from the Works of St. Cyril of Alexandria in Peter of Callinicus᾽magnum opus ʽContra Damianum᾽
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The theme of this paper is the controversy between Peter of Callinicus, Patriarch of Antioch (581-591) and Damian, Patriarch of Alexandria (578-605). The chief aim of the article is twofold: First, to present a brief outline of the sixth century dispute over the doctrine of the Trinity between Peter of Callinicus and Damian of Alexandria, which, in turn, led to the schism between Antioch and Alexandria lasting about 30 years; secondly, to identify, enlist and reproduce the numerous quotations (ca. forty-seven passages), in their Syriac dressing, from the various seminal works of St. Cyril of Alexandria, which are contained in Peter of Callinicus’s magnum opus ‘Contra Damianum’.
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