‘The City of Abraham’s Children’: The Religious Communities of Damascus in the Late 7th A.H./13th A.D. Century

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Numan Alenezi


This article discusses the relationships between the three Abrahamic faith communities (Jews, Christians and Muslims) of Damascus during the late 7th A.H./13th A.D. century, employing a textual research study, through the collation and critical review of a range of reference sources; historical and contemporaneous observations, personal narratives and accounts. Preliminary research results attest to a generally congenial co-existence between the religious groups that was occasionally disrupted by inter-communal clashes. Later disturbances occurred between Christians and Muslims communities as a consequence of the Mongol invasion of the city and the later Christian Crusaders. The Abrahamic theological commonality largely tied the three monotheistic religious traditions together in a loose triumvirate social coalition. Despite Muslim political dominance being firmly established, the jizyā was not enforced as an obligation on non-Muslims during the Caliphate period. Muslim hegemony remained throughout a number of inter-religious dissents and intrigues due to a measurable success in Muslim politico-economic policies. These political manoeuvres appear to be significant factors in a religious tri-existence in which each community largely supported the status quo. This study then, explores some of the historical events and activities that contributed to this particular period in Damascus’ history.


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