New data on the process of señorialización in Andalusia: the evolution of the lordship of Ibros (Jaén) between the XVth and the XVIth centuries

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María Antonia Carmona Ruiz


This paper focuses on the study of the birth of lordship of Ibros and its evolution between the XIVth and the XVth centuries. This small village, located only 4 km from Baeza, was probably conquered by Ferdinand III in 1226, at the same time that Baeza, and belonged to its land since 1231. However, during the XIVth century suffered a peculiar process by which a half remained under lordly jurisdiction, while the other half continued in the hands of the council of Baeza. In the following pages, the origins and the development of the lordship of Ibros are outlined; it is a perfect example of a phenomenon as the multiplicity of jurisdictions not unusual in the Kingdom of Jaen.


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