Developing Pupil’s Cooperative Skills in Distance Learning: Discoveries and Challenges

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Daiva Jakavonytė-Staškuvienė
Emilija Sakadolskis
Aušra Žemgulienė


We present a case study from Lithuania, where students were engaged in cooperative distance learning situations. The lessons were also constructed collaboratively by teachers using Lesson Study methodology. We present extracts from an integrated mathematics and English lesson in Year 4 (10-11 year olds), showing what needed to be taken into account for the pupil's understanding and adjusted in subsequent lessons. The reader will see how the specifics of the cooperative learning methodology change when children can only consult each other sitting in front of screens without seeing each other. The study showed that team leaders play a particularly important role, as they must not only look after their own performance, but also empower the other team members. In addition, the article presents the didactic decisions taken by the teaching team to make the activities as clear and comprehensible as possible for the students, which led to an increase in the number of memos, charts and instructions.


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Jakavonytė-Staškuvienė, D., Sakadolskis, E., & Žemgulienė, A. (2024). Developing Pupil’s Cooperative Skills in Distance Learning: Discoveries and Challenges. Insights on Bilingual Education, 1(1), 1–19.


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