Publication and authorship:

International Journal for 21st Century Education hopes that authors maintain a level of demand in their behavior in relation to the publication rules: the publication of the same study in more than one journal, the repeated publication of the same work by part of the author (in whole or in part) and the misappropriation of other authors’ works are prohibited.

In the case of an unresolved dispute, the problem will be communicated to the institution to which the author is linked as well as to the relevant agencies so that it can be investigated and mediated.

Author’s liability:

The authors' original works will be subjected to a blind peer-review process. International Journal for 21st Century Education expects that all authors have contributed significantly to the research submitted for evaluation, and that all data included in the articles are real and authentic. All authors are reminded that they are required to provide corrections and retractions in the event of an error.

Peer review and reviewers’ responsabilities:

The judgments of the reviewers of the International Journal for 21st Century Education will be objective, and the reviewers will not be in conflict of interest with respect to the research, the authors and / or the entities that finance the research in the review phase. In this sense, the journal confirms that the reviewers will suggest relevant published works that have not been cited and that the reviewed articles will be treated in a confidential manner.

Editorial responsibilities:

The editors of the journal assume full responsibility and authorship for rejecting or accepting an article. In addition, the editors confirm that they do not have a conflict of interest with respect to the articles they reject or accept, and they will only accept an article when they are reasonably certain about its authenticity. If errors are found, the editors will promote the publication of the corrections or retraction, preserving the anonymity of the reviewers.

Ethical issues related the publication:

The ethics of the publication process will be supervised and protected by the Editorial Board of the International Journal for 21st Century Education on the basis of a use of the rules in the rejection of the articles and the maintenance of the academic data integrity. The journal will be always willing to publish corrections, clarifications, rectifications and apologies, when necessary, assuming that no plagiarism or fraudulent data will be published.

The authors who publish in the journal accept the following conditions:
1) The International Journal for 21st Century Education holds the copyright for published works. It is an open access journal.
2) The works are published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license. This license has the following characteristics:
• Authorship must be cited.
• Commercial uses of the work are not allowed.
3) Each article will have a DOI (Digital Object Identification) associated with it.
4) The diffusion of the manuscript is allowed once it has been published.
5) The articles will appear automatically in Dialnet and in Google Scholar after the publication of the number to which they belong.
6) Manuscripts will be subjected to anti-plagiarism review using the Turnitin software provided by the Library of the University of Córdoba
7) Readers will have free access to the articles without registering on the website and will be able to download a PDF version of the manuscripts.