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All papers submitted to the secretary of the journal must meet the criterio for publication, otherwise they will not be accepted. Only unpublished works that have not been sent simultaneously to other publications will be published. The originals must not exceed 25 pages, except in exceptional cases or at the request of the Editorial Board.

The directors of the Journal may indicate to the author the corrections they deem appropriate, according to the corresponding report of the external evaluators, who will not know the identity of the author, using the blind peers process. The non-acceptance of this rule will mean that the works will not be submitted for evaluation and, therefore, they will not be published in the Journal.

The deadline for the delivery of works susceptible to publication in the number of each year will be January 30 of the same year.

International Journal for 21st Century Education is not responsible for the contents of published articles.

Rules of Publishing

All papers submitted to the International Journal for 21st Century Education must meet the publication criteria, otherwise they will not be accepted. Only unpublished works that have not been sent simultaneously to other publications will be published. Every manuscript for this journal should be between 5500 and 6000 words (word count does not include title, author details, abstract and keywords, both in Spanish and English).

The directors of the Journal may indicate to the author the corrections they deem appropriate, according to the corresponding report of the external evaluators, who will not know the identity of the author, using the blind peers process. The non-acceptance of this rule will mean that the works will not be submitted for evaluation and, therefore, they will not be published in the Journal.

The deadline for the delivery of works susceptible to publication in the first number of each year will be November 30 of the previous year, while those susceptible to publication in the second number of each year will be April 30 of each year.

International Journal for 21st Century Education is not responsible for the contents of published articles.



The acceptance of the articles will depend on the confidential evaluation of two anonymous specialists (blind peers review). The acceptance of the reviews will depend on the evaluation by the Editorial Board. The Board may request changes or modifications to the author. Once the text has been accepted, it cannot be modified.

The author will be notified within less than 30 days from the receipt of the original and the review process will begin once the paper complies with the mentioned rules. The result of the arbitration will be communicated to the author no later than three months.

With the publication in the International Journal for 21st Century Education, the authors grant a non-exclusive permission to use the work, in all forms of exploitation, in all media, whether text, picture or electronic means.

For any questions about the presentation of originals you can write to: journal_ij21ce@uco.es

Submission of papers

1. All papers submitted for external evaluation, and its subsequent acceptance, must include an abstract in Spanish and English. Contributions may be submitted in Spanish and English.

2. The template in the website must be used to send contributions. All contributions must be sent through the website form provided for this purpose, in order to guarantee the blind peer review process.

3. The type of letter to be used for the body of text will be Arial Narrow 12. Each paragraph will start with an indentation of 0.5 cm. Footnotes will be in 10 point and include continuous numbering.

4. The title of the work will be in Arial Narrow 12, bold, and centered alignment. The authors’ names and their emails must be under the title in Arial Narrow 11 in small capitals and right alignment; below, in right alignment, the organization or University to which they belong. The line spacing of the document will be simple. There will be no spaces between paragraphs; neither between epigraph or sub-paragraph or beginning of paragraph. Between the end of the paragraph and the next section or subsection, there will be a space.

5. Tables and graphs should appear with their corresponding title and caption (in the tables above and in graphs below), and they should be numbered correspondingly according to their category (table 1, table 2; graph 1, graph 2). The text included in tables and graphs will be written in Arial Narrow 11. It should be used quality images. The use of tables will be moderate including only essential data, combining tables whenever possible. These elements will be inserted in the suitable place within the text.

6. Appointments will be included in parentheses in APA format (last edition). The bibliography used will appear at the end of the manuscript under the heading "References" and sorted alphabetically. The first line in each reference will start on the left margin and the rest will start with an indentation of 1 cm.


a) Books: Author’s surname and initial(s). (Year). Title of the book. City of publication: Editorial. (Example: Imbernón, F. (2011). La formación y el desarrollo profesional del profesorado. Hacia una nueva cultura profesional. Barcelona: Graó).


b) Book chapters: Author’s surname and initial(s). (Year). Title of the chapter. Name Surname (Editor-s), Title of the book (pages). City of publication: Editorial. (Example: Bolívar, A. (2010). Contexto de la Educación Secundaria: Estructura y Organización. En F. Imbernón (coord.), Procesos y Contextos Educativos: Enseñar en las instituciones de Educación Secundaria (pp. 35-54.). Barcelona: Graó).


c) Journal articles: Author’s surname and initial(s). (Year). Article title. Title of the journal, volume (number), pages. (Example: Ortega, R. (2002). Lo mejor y peor de las redes de iguales: Juego, conflicto y violencia. Revista Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado, 44, 93-113).


d) Online electronic documents: Author’s surname and initial(s). Article title. Title of the web page. (Year). Retrieved from: URL. (Example: Siemens, G. Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age. ELearnSpace. (2004). Retrieved from: http://www.elearnspace.org/Articles/connectivism.htm).


7. Presentation of reviews. Due to the scientific nature of the journal, scientific publications and innovations will be preferably valued according to the relevance of the subject matter of the work, as well as the specialization and prestige of the author or authors, the editorial and the news (publications of the last five years). The review will be headed by the data of the work reviewed following the model: Surnames, A. (year). Title. City: Editorial. Number of pages of the work. ISBN: ISBN of the work. The author’s name of the review must be written at the end of the text, without incorporating the university or organization to which he or she belongs. It will be written in Arial Narrow 12, and with a maximum of 700 words.