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Francisco José Poyato López
Alfonso Pontes Pedrajas


For some time, we have been working on a research project related to the improvement of the initial training of secondary school teachers, considering that it is a fundamental issue for the future of our educational system. One of the most important aspects of this project is the exploration of the previous conceptions of the future professors of the scientific-technical area and the design of methodological proposals that contribute to their evolution and progress during the initial formation process. In this context, we have had the need to review previous works, in order to provide a solid foundation for the development of the work that can be done within the framework of this project. The main purpose of this study is to show a summary of the review made on the curricular thinking of teachers, around the processes of learning, teaching and evaluation of science.


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Francisco José Poyato López, Universidad de Córdoba (España)

Profesor Sustituo Interino. Doctor en Educación. Departamento de Educación (área Didáctica y Organización Escolar), Univerdidad de Córdoba

Alfonso Pontes Pedrajas, Departamento de Física Aplicada

Profesor Titular de Universidad



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