Peer Review Protocol for a Scientific Journal (Double-Blind)

Introduction: This protocol establishes the guidelines and procedures for the review of manuscripts submitted to the Scientific Journal International Journal for 21st Century Education. Our journal follows a double-blind peer review process to ensure objectivity and the quality of published articles. Reviewers and authors will not be aware of each other's identities during the review process.

  1. Manuscript Submission:

1.1. Authors will submit their manuscripts through the journal's online system.

  1. Selection of Reviewers:

2.1. The Editor-in-Chief will assign two expert reviewers in the field of the manuscript to conduct the double-blind peer review.

2.2. Reviewers will be selected based on their expertise and knowledge in the manuscript's subject.

2.3. Reviewers will confirm their availability to review the manuscript within a specified timeframe.

  1. Double-Blind Peer Review:

3.1. Reviewers will receive the manuscript without knowing the authors' identities, and vice versa.

3.2. Reviewers will evaluate the manuscript according to the following criteria: originality, relevance, methodology, results, discussion, and writing quality.

3.3. Reviewers will provide detailed comments and suggestions for improving the manuscript.

3.4. Reviewers will make a recommendation to accept, revise, or reject the manuscript.

  1. Evaluation of Reviewers' Comments:

4.1. The Editor-in-Chief will assess the reviewers' comments and make a decision based on their recommendations.

4.2. If reviewers differ in their recommendations, the Editor-in-Chief may seek the opinion of a third reviewer.

  1. Communication with Authors:

5.1. Authors will receive a notification of the editorial decision, along with reviewers' comments.

5.2. If revisions are required, authors will be given a timeframe to make the modifications and submit a revised version.

  1. Second Round of Review (if necessary):

6.1. If a second round of review is necessary, authors will submit the revised version, and reviewers will re-evaluate the manuscript.

6.2. The double-blind peer review process will be repeated, maintaining anonymity.

  1. Final Decision:

7.1. The Editor-in-Chief will make the final decision on the acceptance or rejection of the manuscript, based on reviewers' evaluations and authors' revisions.

7.2. The decision will be communicated to the authors along with final comments.

  1. Publication:

8.1. If the manuscript is accepted, it will proceed to the formatting and publication phase in the journal.

8.2. Authors may request a final copy of their article before publication.



Reviewer's Responsibilities:

Introduction: Reviewers play a crucial role in upholding the scholarly record's integrity. They are expected to conduct their evaluations of manuscripts with timeliness, transparency, and ethical adherence, following the COPE guidelines (Committee on Publication Ethics).

Reviewer Eligibility: Reviewers should meet the following eligibility criteria:

  1. Conflict of Interest: Reviewers must have no conflicts of interest with any of the authors of the manuscript.
  2. Institutional Affiliation: Reviewers should not share an institutional affiliation with the authors.
  3. Collaboration History: Reviewers should not have collaborated on publications with the authors within the past three years.
  4. Academic Qualifications: Reviewers should hold a Ph.D. degree.
  5. Expertise and Publication Record: Reviewers should possess relevant expertise and a documented publication record in the field relevant to the submitted paper (Scopus, ORCID).
  6. Scholarly Proficiency: Reviewers should be seasoned scholars in the field pertinent to the submitted paper.
  7. Academic Affiliation: Reviewers should hold an official and recognized academic affiliation.

Reviewer's Commitment: At IJ21CE, we emphasize a rigorous peer review process to ensure a comprehensive assessment of each manuscript. Reviewers who agree to evaluate a manuscript commit to:

  • Expertise: Reviewers should possess the necessary expertise to evaluate the scientific quality of the manuscript.
  • Quality Review: They are expected to provide high-quality review reports and remain responsive throughout the peer review process.
  • Professionalism and Ethics: Reviewers should uphold the highest standards of professionalism and ethical conduct.

Confidentiality Declaration: The IJ21CE journal follows a double-blind peer review system. Reviewers must maintain strict confidentiality regarding the manuscript's content, including the abstract, until the article is published. It is crucial that reviewers do not disclose their identity to the authors, either in their comments or in any metadata accompanying reports submitted in Microsoft Word or PDF format. Should a reviewer wish to delegate the review to a colleague, it is imperative that the colleague also meets the stipulated criteria and maintains confidentiality.

Evaluating the Manuscript: During the manuscript assessment, reviewers are tasked with evaluating the following aspects:

  • Novelty: Assess whether the research question is original and well-defined, and if the study contributes to advancing existing knowledge.
  • Relevance: Ensure that the work aligns with the journal's scope.
  • Significance: Evaluate if the results are appropriately interpreted, significant, and if conclusions are well-supported.
  • Quality: Scrutinize the manuscript for effective writing, proper data presentation, and adherence to high standards for result presentation.
  • Scientific Rigor: Examine the study's design, technical soundness, data robustness, methodological clarity, and the availability and accuracy of raw data (where applicable).
  • Audience Engagement: Consider whether the conclusions are of interest to the journal's readership and whether the paper has broad or niche appeal, as outlined in the journal's Aims and Scope.
  • Overall Contribution: Assess whether the manuscript provides an overall benefit to the field by advancing current knowledge or addressing significant scientific questions.
  • Language Proficiency: Evaluate the appropriateness and clarity of the language used in the manuscript (English or Spanish).

Note: Reviewers should ensure the manuscript aligns with the journal's stated scope and focus.