Focus and Scope

International Journal for 21st Century Education is an annual journal dedicated to the publication of scientific research on education at national and international level.

Contributions should be mainly directed to the following lines of research:

  • Educational processes: Higher Education, teacher training, competence development, teaching methodology and innovation and evaluation.
  • Diversity: Interculturality, gender, development cooperation and coexistence.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content in order to contribute to a greater global knowledge exchange.


The acceptance of the articles will depend on the confidential evaluation of two anonymous specialists (blind peers review). The acceptance of the reviews will depend on the evaluation by the Editorial Board. The Board may request changes or modifications to the author. Once the text has been accepted, it cannot be modified.

The author will be notified within less than 30 days from the receipt of the original and the review process will begin once the paper complies with the mentioned rules. The result of the arbitration will be communicated to the author no later than three months.

With the publication in the International Journal for 21st Century Education, the authors grant a non-exclusive permission to use the work, in all forms of exploitation, in all media, whether text, picture or electronic means.

For any questions about the presentation of originals you can write to:


The journal is indexed in the following databases:


MIAR, herramienta de evaluación de la difusión de revistas | Digitalia. El  blog del Área

DICE. Difusion y Calidad Editorial de las Revistas Españolas de Humanidades  y Ciencias Sociales

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