Virtual hotel operator: a new option of business in the accommodation industry

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The aim of this study is to explore how the Virtual Hotel Operator business modality is developing in Colombia. In a review of the press and specialized literature, it was found that Asian countries such as India, Indonesia and the Philippines are pioneers in the creation of this type of companies and that in Colombia a group of young entrepreneurs has ventured into it, under the name of Ayenda. In addition to written sources, interviews with its creators were analyzed, the certificate of existence and legal representation of the company and some of the affiliated hotels was obtained. To know the perception of users about the service offered in Medellín, the Colombian company, the Booking and Expedia portals were reviewed. It was found that most of the users are of Colombian nationality and that they consider a good cost-benefit ratio in the service received. In future lines of research, it is recommended to follow up on hotel improvement plans based on user comments, Also can be established a comparison between  perception of customers regarding the service, between the Virtual Hotel Operators and the sharing economy offers, like Airbnb.

Keywords: Accommodation; innovation; virtual hotel operator; start up; tourism.


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How to Cite
MARULANDA VALENCIA, F. A., & RESTREPO MONTES, J. A. (2021). Virtual hotel operator: a new option of business in the accommodation industry. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TOURISM, BUSINESS AND TERRITORY, 5(2), 96–115.
Author Biographies

FLOR ANGELA MARULANDA VALENCIA, National University of Colombia

Doctor in Engineering, Industry and Organizations. Associate Professor of the Department of Engineering of the Organization, Faculty of Mines Headquarters Medellín. National University of Colombia.

JONATHAN ALEXIS RESTREPO MONTES, National University of Colombia

Master in Administrative Engineering and Expert in Business Management. National university of Colombia. Tourist Business Administrator. University Institution Colegio Mayor de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia.