Advantages of the hotel digitization process: case and experimental study

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The digitization process in the tourism sector and, specifically, in the hotel sector, has been carried out for some years, although the quantification of the benefits derived from it is not usual in scientific environments. Most hotel chains, and also independent hotels, have evolved from a manual and analog management system to a centralized software that optimizes all operations, reducing workload and errors. The hotel industry is increasingly prone to this improvement in operations as a result of digitization, which includes broadband access and management programs. This research uses an exploratory methodology (case study), experimental (real implementation of digitization processes) and the qualitative technique of in-depth interviews and content and quantitative analysis of the survey (secondary data from the hotel establishment). The impact of digitization in a hotel located in Tarragona (Spain) is analyzed. Data is collected through interviews with staff members, as well as using data from customer surveys and analysis of hotel financial records. The results reveal that the digitization of operations leads to more efficiency, cost reduction and improved customer satisfaction. The centralized system allows staff to manage reservations, inventory and billing in real time, improving decision making and control over operations. It is concluded that the operational and financial improvements are significant, and that digitization is the way forward for the hotel industry to improve operations and financial performance.

Keywords: Broadband Society, digitization, tourism, connectivity, management, operations, efficiency, hospitality.


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How to Cite
FONDEVILA-GASCÓN, J.-F., BOSCH-VILARRUBIAS, M., PUIGGRÒS, E., & PÉREZ-RECOUSO, J.-E. (2024). Advantages of the hotel digitization process: case and experimental study. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TOURISM, BUSINESS AND TERRITORY, 8(1), 185–202.
Author Biographies

JOAN-FRANCESC FONDEVILA-GASCÓN, Ramón Llull University (URL). Mediterrani University School of the University of Girona (UOG), Spain

Professor at the Ramón Llull University (URL). Mediterrani University School of the University of Girona (UOG), Spain. EUNCET Business School, Open University of Catalonia (UOC).

MARTA BOSCH-VILARRUBIAS, Mediterrani University School of the University of Girona (UOG), Spain.

Mediterrani University School of the University of Girona (UOG), Spain.

ELENA PUIGGRÒS, Mediterrani University School of the University of Girona (UOG), Spain.

Doctor of Humanities. Mediterrani University School of the University of Girona (UOG), Spain.

JOAQUÍN-ELÍAS PÉREZ-RECOUSO, Mediterrani University School of the University of Girona (UDG), Spain.

Research Researcher at the Mediterrani University School of the University of Girona (UDG), Spain.