The Systemic Tourism Crisis in the Caribbean: Challenges for Tourism Development in Cuba

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The systemic crisis of tourism is a phenomenon that affects the tourism sector globally, and is characterized by the loss of competitiveness, the decrease in demand, environmental and social deterioration, and the lack of adaptation to technological and market. This crisis has multiple causes and consequences and requires comprehensive and sustainable solutions that involve all actors in the sector. The systemic tourism crisis poses challenges for the development of tourism in Cuba, since it requires a strategic vision, integrated management and constant adaptation to changes in the environment. An analysis of the behavior of the flow of international tourists and their scenarios was carried out in order to anticipate possible future situations, taking into account internal and external factors that could influence tourism development. Likewise, the case studies of the main tourist destinations in the insular Caribbean and the Mexican Caribbean were compared. Finally, the challenges for the development of tourism in Cuba are argued.

Keywords: systemic crisis; tourism; challenges; international tourists; Cuba.


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How to Cite
RODRIGUEZ RODRIGUEZ, J. L. (2025). The Systemic Tourism Crisis in the Caribbean: Challenges for Tourism Development in Cuba. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TOURISM, BUSINESS AND TERRITORY, 8(2), 143–159.
Author Biography

JULIÁN LEONCIO RODRIGUEZ RODRIGUEZ, Center for Research and Development of Ecuador (CIDE)

Researcher at the Center for Research and Development of Ecuador (CIDE)