Influence of social networks on travel decisions of Taiwanese millennials and centennials. The case of the young people of Taichung

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The constant and sustained technological advance and the widespread use of social networks are two of the factors that have probably most influenced the evolution of the travel behavior of younger generations at a global level. The main objective of this study is to analyze the influence that the use of social networks has on travel planning and decision-making related to tourist destinations of the Taiwanese millennial and centennial population. A quantitative methodology through univariate and bivariate statistics has been used and applied to data from a survey carried out on young residents of Taichung (Taiwan). The results reveal a considerably high use of social networks by the population group under study in the country and a high confidence in using them to plan trips or choose destinations. It is concluded that social networks exert a significant influence on the travel decisions of young Taiwanese, and that the degree of trust in tourist content on these platforms is greater in women than in men and, in general, in centennials that in millennials.

Keywords: Social media; consumer behavior; tourism; Taiwan; millennials; centennials.


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How to Cite
GUTIÉRREZ-ARAGÓN, O., GASSIOT-MELIAN, A., BERBEL-GIMÉNEZ, G., & RAPISURA CHIPONGIAN, L. J. (2025). Influence of social networks on travel decisions of Taiwanese millennials and centennials. The case of the young people of Taichung. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TOURISM, BUSINESS AND TERRITORY, 8(2), 71–87.
Author Biographies

OSCAR GUTIÉRREZ-ARAGÓN, Mediterranean University School (University of Girona), Spain.

Professor and Director of the Business Department. Mediterranean University School (University of Girona), Spain.

ARIADNA GASSIOT-MELIAN, University of Girona, Spain.

Assistant professor. University of Girona, Department of Organization, Business Management and Product Design, Faculty of Tourism, Spain.

GASPAR BERBEL-GIMÉNEZ, Mediterranean University School (University of Girona), Spain.

Mediterranean University School (University of Girona), Spain.

LINDSAY JOY RAPISURA CHIPONGIAN, Mediterranean University School, (University of Girona), Spain.

Mediterranean University School, (University of Girona), Spain.