The International Journal of Tourism, Business and Territory is currently indexed in the following directories, databases and evaluation resources:
ROAD - Directory of scientific and university resources in open access. Service developed by the ISSN International Center with the support of the UNESCO Department of Communication and Information.
DOAJ - Directory of Open Access scientific and academic Journals that meet high quality standards such as a peer review and editorial quality control.
EBSCO - EBSCO's Scientific Research Database resources are available at hundreds of thousands of institutions worldwide and reach millions of end users daily. By maintaining and growing its subscription services, this entity supports the common interest of scientific journals open access to the public, as well as publishers and scientific dissemination technology itself.
REBIUN - Collective catalog of the Network of University Libraries that collects the bibliographic records of the 76 Spanish university libraries and the CSIC.
Dialnet - Portal for the dissemination of Ibero-American scientific production promoted by the University of La Rioja.
Helvia UCO – Portal and repository of dissemination of scientific production of the University of Córdoba (Spain).
WORLDCAT- Most comprehensive library collection information database in the world.
Latindex - Regional online information system for scientific journals in Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal. RITUREM magazine is included in the LATINDEX Directory and has been evaluated favorably in its Catalogue v2.0 (2018-), meeting 32 of the 38 established criteria and quality requirements.
MIAR. Versión 2020 live. Information Matrix for the Analysis of Scientific Journals (University of Barcelona, Spain). In 2020 RITUREM was evaluated with an ICDS-3 index.
REDIB - Ibero-American Network of Innovation and Scientific Knowledge. Platform for the aggregation of scientific and academic content in electronic format produced in the Ibero-American field, participated by the State Agency of the Higher Council for Scientific Research of Spain (CSIC) and UNIVERSIA, the most important network of Universities of Ibero-America. The magazine RITUREM has been evaluated by REDIB, meeting all the quality criteria required by it, both formal and content.
INDICES CSIC. Bibliographic database of a multidisciplinary nature of the Higher Council for Scientific Research of Spain, which compiles and disseminates research articles published in Spanish scientific journals that exceed a certain threshold of editorial quality and scientific interest and have previously been favorably rated in the Latindex Catalog. CSIC Indices currently integrates the previous CSIC bibliographic databases (ISOC, ICYT and IME).
THE EUROPEAN REFERENCE INDEX FOR THE HUMANITIES AND THE SOCIAL SCIENCES (ERIH PLUS). Quality Reference Index of European Scientific Journals that have been included in its Database by meeting the pre-established reference standards. These standards have been developed jointly by the Standing Committee for the Humanities (SCH) and the European Science Foundation (ESF), as well as the NSD - Norwegian Center for Research Data and the Norwegian Association of Higher Education Institutions in the Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers.
AMELICA-REDALYC. Open communication infrastructure promoted by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and led by the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO), the Network of Scientific Journals of Latin America and the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal (REDALYC) and a group of academic institutions. The journals included in AMERICA-REDALYC are selected by prior evaluation of editorial and scientific quality requirements.
LATINREV. Latin American Network of Academic Journals in Social Sciences and Humanities created by the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO) of Argentina as a collaborative platform for continuous quality improvement and information exchange between Latin American journals and publishers that meet minimum quality criteria.
CIRC-ECMETRICS. Classification and Evaluation System of Scientific Journals of Social and Human Sciences based on their quality, integrating the existing evaluation products positively considered by the different national evaluation agencies such as CNEAI, ANECA. RITUREM has been classified (2020) in category "C" in Social Sciences.
CITEFACTOR JOURNALS INDEXING.- Citefactor is an indexing platform for Open Access Scientific Journals that have been subjected to a prior quality control process. The Directory indexing of journal aims to be comprehensive and cover all open access scientific and scholarly journals that use an appropriate quality control system, and it will not be limited to particular languages or subject areas. The journal,"INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TOURISM, BUSINESS AND TERRITORY" (ISSN/EISSN -/2530-7134) positively evaluated in Journal Citations Impact Factor report (2020/2021).
Google Scholar - G Google search engine specialized in academic documents with appointment counting. H-Index (2024): 12. i10 Index: 13. Access link to the profile and metrics of the journal in Google Scholar Citations: REVISTA INTERNACIONAL DE TURISMO, EMPRESA Y TERRITORIO
SICTUR – Scientific Information System, Technical and Researcher of Network Tourism, linked to SEGITTUR of the Government of Spain.
DATAESTUR- SEGITTUR- Information Portal on tourism activity in Spain of the State Mercantile Society for the Management of Innovation and Tourism Technologies (SAMP), which has a Tourism Knowledge Section with a repository and open link to the contents of the main technical magazines and scientific about tourism in Spain.