About the Journal

Focus and scope

Skopos is an annual journal that collects those contributions, resulting from research, that deal with Translation and Interpretation and all related disciplines, once they have obtained a positive report following the Peer Review system. It also includes bibliographical reviews and research papers.

Double peer review process

The papers will be sent confidentially and anonymously for analysis by two experts who are not members of the journal's editorial board or part of the editorial board. They may belong to the Evaluation Committee, as long as they do not belong to the Editorial Board of the journal. A report on the desirability of publishing the article will be submitted, which will be taken into account by the secretariat of the Editorial Board. The announcement of the publication of the article, or any recommendations for revision, will be communicated to the author. If the evaluators disagree, the document shall be forwarded to a third evaluator. A revised document may be considered for publication conditional on the inclusion of changes. It must be corrected and returned to the authors of the journal within one month, even if the required changes are major or minor. If necessary, the new version will be sent back to the external evaluators. This process will continue until the work is finally accepted by the Journal. Authors will be notified of the evaluators' assessment reports so that they can (if necessary) make some corrections. If the work is printable, but requires minor changes, these will be made by an editorial committee in contact with the author, but may also be returned to the author for such changes as the Editorial Board may deem necessary.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content, based on the principle that providing the public with open access to research helps to enhance global knowledge sharing.