Focus and Scope

Esferas literarias (ISSN 2659-4218) is an international journal published once a year that includes articles on literary matters ranging across different literary traditions. It started in 2018 with the aim of promoting the work of young scholars, while also including the work of senior and well-known researchers.


Section Policies

Articles: Indexed and Peer-Reviewed

Special Issues: Indexed and Peer-Reviewed

Miscellaneous Issues: Indexed and Peer-Reviewed

Reviews: Indexed

Notes: Indexed


Peer review process

Submissions will be sent in a confidential and anonymous way to be assessed by two specialists who do not belong to the journal’s Editorial Team. The two reviewers will send a report about the article’s suitability for the journal. Authors will be told whether their article has been rejected, accepted for publication or approved with modifications. In this case, authors will have one month to resubmit their article, which will be revised by the reviewers again. If the two reviewers send contradictory reports, a third reviewer will be asked to send a report.

Once the text has been accepted and enters production stage, the Editors may correct clerical or factual errors and introduce stylistic corrections without further notice.

The articles submitted should stick to the Author Guidelines published on this webpage.

The following chart summarizes the stages in the publishing process, and the estimated timing for each of them:




Formal revision


2 weeks

Submission to reviewers

Peer review


Up to 2 months

Communication to author


1 week


Revision of MS


Up to 1 month

Final decision

Reviewers and editors

Up to 1 month

Last modifications


3 weeks


Technical secretary

Up to 1 month

Correction of proofs




Open access policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content in order to contribute to a greater global knowledge exchange. Esferas Literarias is an open access journal, free for readers. It does not charge authors for submitting and processing articles for publication.

Authors retain their copyright and grant the journal the right of first publication of their work. The reader/user is allowed to quote, share, print and distribute the material as long as it is clearly and explicitly stated that the work was first published in Esferas Literarias.

Starting in 2024, number 7, Esferas Literarias will be licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International - CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 . Previous numbers (nº 1-6) were punlished under license CC BY NC ND.

Authors are allowed to reuse published works, i.e., the final version of the published works can be archived. Esferas Literarias recommends authors to archive their articles in their personal websites, institutional and public repositories (Mendeley, Cosis...), scholarly networks (ResearchGate,, Kudos...), social networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn...), and bibliographic managers such as Google Scholar, ORCID, ResearchID, or ScopusID.


Digital file preservation policy

Esferas Literarias has an archiving system through OJS (Open Journal System) that guarantees its digital preservation.

This magazine is part of the Public Knowledge Project’s Private LOCKSS Network (PKP-PLN), which generates a decentralized archiving system, distributed among collaborating libraries, in order to create permanent archives of the magazine intended for the conservation of the original contents and its restoration if necessary. To do this, keep the PKP PN module activated ( The updated list of journals preserved in PKP-PLN can be downloaded from the following link or by checking the archival status of the journal on the ISSN portal.

The archived issues can be consulted in the LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) editorial manifesto:

Additionally, the University of Córdoba develops various processes aimed at guaranteeing the permanent accessibility of the digital objects that it hosts on its own servers: 

  • Monitoring of the technological environment to foresee possible migrations of obsolete formats or software.
  • Digital preservation metadata.
  • Use of persistent identifiers: DOI y ORCID.


Interoperability protocols

This journal provides an OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative - Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) interface that allows other portals and information services to access the metadata of published content.

URL for harvesters:


Code of ethics and best practice

The journal Esferas Literarias adheres to the Code of Conduct and Best Practice established by the Commitee on Publication Ethics (COPE): Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors y Code of Conduct for Journals Publishers. In accordance to this code the journal will ensure the scientific quality of publications and will defend authors’ and readers’ needs. The code affects all the parts involved in the journal’s publication process: editors, reviewers and authors. The articles that do not follow these ethical requirements will be dismissed.


Anti-plagiarism policy and use of AI tools

Esferas Literarias has an anti-plagiarism policy in place to guarantee the originality of all manuscripts using specialised anti-plagiarism software Turnitin. The service will be used on all papers prior to peer review. The journal reserves the decision to reject papers containing plagiarism or self-plagiarism.

The use of AI-based tools for content generation, such as generative Artificial Intelligence of large linguistic models and chatbots (e.g., ChatGPT), is not considered original, does not meet the criteria for authorship, and violates our code of ethics. Authors are responsible for the originality, validity and integrity of the content of their submitted manuscripts.


Circulation and Impact

Covered by the following databases and index lists:

  • Dialnet
  • Latindex
  • MIAR
  • MLA