Lethal Mother Demeter in Mothers Don't of Katixa Agirre
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Mothers Don't (2019) by Katixa Agirre tells the story of a double filicide perpetrated by a young woman in the País Vasco. The novel’s narrator does research and write about the crime, and at the same time she experiences, with visible emotional fluctuations, her own pregnancy. In this article, I am interested in analyzing the figure of Lethal Mother Demeter from the Jungian perspective of Eric Neuman, Jean Shinoda Bolen and Sibylle Birkhäuser-Oeri, with the objective of defining the archetypical elements of such image. In the same way, I outline the reflection that the narrator elaborates about the overwhelming weight of motherhood, considering that this introspection may also represent a kind of monstrosity, since it opposes to the mother figure ideals such as sacrifice and abnegation. For such purposes, I resort to Marcela Lagarde y de los Ríos' perspective.
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