Gender equality and use of inclusive language

Esferas Literarias promotes gender equality both as regards research topics and in relation to research methods and instruments. There will be a minimum presence of women in the different positions and bodies of the journal. Published contributions will always include the full name of their authors, allowing their correct individual identification by means of ORCID code or similar. The editorial team will ensure that the published works do not contain stereotypes or prejudices related to gender, race, class, religion, sexual identity or nationality, or that may suggest the stigmatization or discrimination of any collective.

In the case of published works that have been carried out with research data that include the sex variable, it is recommended that the authors report on whether they have taken into account possible differences between sexes.

Authors shall be required to use inclusive and non-sexist language. Discriminatory expressions or expressions that perpetuate gender stereotypes must be avoided, making gender visible only when required by the communicative situation.

Some recommendations:

-Eliminate the generic use of 'he' (it may be substituted by 'one', 'we', 'you' or ‘they’)

-Eliminate the generic use of ‘man’ and the generic use of masculine gender in general.