Social Realism and Censorship in the Spanish novel (1954-1962)

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Fernando LARRAZ


This paper aims to expose the relationship between the tenets and the practice of the social realist novel in Spain between 1954 and 1962 and the context of book censorship during Francoist dictatorship. Some theoretical explanations on social Realism by the authors themselves will be analysed under the perspective of their needs to overcome censorship. Censors’ responses to some of the most representative novels of this decade will be explained too as factors which determined the hegemony of Realism in the literary field and its later decadence.


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LARRAZ, F., and C. SUÁREZ TOLEDANO. “Social Realism and Censorship in the Spanish Novel (1954-1962)”. Creneida. Journal of Hispanic Literatures, no. 5, Dec. 2017, pp. 66-95, doi:10.21071/calh.v5i.10369.
Censorship in Franco's time