Picaresques on Stage! Theatricalisations of the Picaresque Novel in the 21st Century

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Alberto Conejero
Ramón Fontseré
Milagros Sánchez Arnosi
Álvaro Tato
María Soledad Arredondo


This ten hands article brings together one of the conferences and two interviews-dialogue from the seminar ¡Pícaros a escena! Teatralizaciones de la novela picaresca en el siglo XXI, held at the Posada del Potro at Córdoba on 9 December 2022. It includes the adaptation by Els Joglars (2014) of El coloquio de los perros by Miguel de Cervantes (Albert Boadella and Ramón Fontseré), the rewrite of Rinconete y Cortadillo (also by the author of the Novelas ejemplares) in the hands of Alberto Conejero (2016) and the frame of La pícara Justina by Francisco López de Úbeda, La hija de Celestina by Alonso Jerónimo de Salas Barbadillo and La niña de los embustes. Teresa de Manzanares by Alonso de Castillo Solórzano in Malvivir (2022) by Álvaro Tato and Ron Lalá.


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How to Cite
Conejero, A., R. Fontseré, M. Sánchez Arnosi, Álvaro Tato, and M. Soledad Arredondo. “Picaresques on Stage! Theatricalisations of the Picaresque Novel in the 21st Century”. Creneida. Journal of Hispanic Literatures, no. 11, Jan. 2024, pp. 520-63, doi:10.21071/calh.vi11.16755.


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