A Second View from another Planet. Lazarillo de tormes as a text (or Bet) about the Applicability of the Lachmann’s Method to Modern Textual Traditions

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This paper, signed by a textual scholar who devotes much of his work and his days to the Comedy of Dante, reviews respectfully and —as far as possible— conscientiously the critical editions of Lazarillo de Tormes by Jaime Moll, Jesús Cañas, Félix Carrasco, Aldo Ruffinatto, Alberto Blecua and Francisco Rico, as well as the last contributions of Arturo Rodríguez López-Abadía and Arturo Rodríguez López Vázquez, in order to propose a new stemma for the masterpiece of the Spanish Picaresque.


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TROVATO, P. “A Second View from Another Planet. Lazarillo De Tormes As a Text (or Bet) about the Applicability of the Lachmann’s Method to Modern Textual Traditions”. Creneida. Journal of Hispanic Literatures, no. 4, Dec. 2016, pp. 270-11, doi:10.21071/calh.v4i.6393.