Lesson Study and Collaborative Work Supporting Teacher Training during Internship

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Ildikó Szabó


The aim of this study is to give an overview on how these areas can be combined in everyday school practice supporting teacher training focusing on teacher trainees’ internship in the primary school, where DICO+ lessons were recorded in Hungary. Teacher trainees in this practice school are to make a lesson study research using a certain corpus during their observation focusing on the following topics: how a lesson is conducted, what lesson phases can be identified, what work forms are used, what methods, tools are used by the teacher, what good examples can be identified for applying problem-solving, interdisciplinary, creative classroom practices. Teacher trainees are expected to do co-teaching as well as individual teaching sessions, both of which are analyed in a group discussion.  This study is to introduce how being a practice school and mentoring trainees, young teachers can contribute to change the attitudes and beliefs of practicioners towards working collaboratively and using lesson study as a method.


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How to Cite
Szabó, I. (2024). Lesson Study and Collaborative Work Supporting Teacher Training during Internship. Insights on Bilingual Education, 1(1), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.21071/ibe.v1i1.17636


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