
Charles Burnett (The Warburg Institute, London)

Juan Pedro Monferrer-Sala (University of Córdoba)

Andrea Aldo Robiglio (KU Leuven)

Assistant Editor

Pedro Mantas-España (University of Córdoba)

Section Editors

Tommaso De Robertis (University of Macerata / University of Toronto)

Sarah Marie Leitenberger (University of Pennsylvania)

Serena Masolini (University of Córdoba)

Publication Committee

Mauro Calcagno (University of Pennsylvania) – Marina Detoraki (University of Crete, Greece) – John Monfasani (University of New York, Albany) – Sabine Schmidtke (Institute of Advanced Studies, Princeton University) – Sarah Stroumsa (The Hebrew University, Jerusalem) – Sofía Torallas Tovar (Classics and Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, University of Chicago)

Advisory Board

Camilla Adang (Tel Aviv University) – Jean Balsamo (University of Reims) – Joël Biard (University of Tours) – Thomas Burman (University of Notre Dame - Indiana) – Brian A. Catlos (University of Colorado at Boulder) – Nadia Cheikh (NYU Abu Dhabi) – Rita Copeland (University of Pennsylvania) – Wim Decock (UCL - Louvain-la-Neuve) – Alexander Fidora (ICREA - Autonomous University of Barcelona) – Mercedes García-Arenal (CSIC - Madrid) – Dag Nikolaus Hasse (University of Würzburg) – Christian Høgel (University of Southern Denmark) –  Sharon Kinoshita (University of California - Santa Cruz) – Ann Kuttner (University of Pennsylvania) – Mathijs Lamberigts (KU Leuven) – Cecilia Martini (University of Padova) – José Meirinhos (University of Porto) – Mia Mochizuki (New York) – Meira Polliack (Tel Aviv University) – Gerd Van Riel (KU Leuven) – Denis Robichaud (University of Notre Dame - Indiana) – Samuel Rubenson (University of Lund) – Richard C. Taylor (Marquette University - Milwaukee) – Herman Teule (KU Leuven / University of Nijmegen)


Manuel Marcos Aldón (University of Córdoba) – Fuensanta M. Guerrero Carmona (University of Córdoba)


Explanation of Roles and Responsibilities

Editors and Assistant Editor: this is the Journal’s masthead. Editors and Assistant Editor run the Journal together and are ultimately responsible for all the decisions being made.


Section Editors: Section Editors help the Editors and Assistant Editor run the Journal. Section Editors’ responsibilities include: overseeing the Journal’s submissions review and production processes; inviting reviewers and sending reminders for late reviews; keeping track of the editorial calendar and making sure things are delivered on time; liaising with the Editors and Assistant Editor for technical issues and to complete journal issues; final copy-editing and proofing of articles; managing the journal’s email account.


Publication Committee: given the breadth of the subjects covered by the Journal, spanning from philosophy to theology, from music to art history, from textual criticism to digital humanities, the Publication Committee features area experts who closely collaborate with the editors and assistant editor. Normally, Publication Committee members offer advice on the quality and originality of the manuscripts submitted before these are sent out to external reviewers. They provide an additional layer of internal, yet independent, scrutiny on topics that may fall outside the editors’ and assistant editor’s expertise.


Advisory Board: this features world-leading scholars in the fields of study covered by the Journal. The members of the Board guarantee that the standards of quality and originality of the contributions published by the Journal are met. The whole editorial body (Editors, Assistant Editor, Publication Committee, Section Editors) meet with the Advisory Board at least once a year to gauge their opinions about the running of the Journal, to inform them of any change to Journal policies, and to identify future challenges.


Documentation: Documentation Staff is responsible for all technical issues related to the running of the Journal and the maintanance of the website. The provide support with IT issues and collaborate in continuing to develop the website.