The border of Granada. Perspectives and approaches.

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Manuel Rojas Gabriel


This article is an analysis of our current State of knowledge about the Granadan frontier -where not one piece of information is excluded from all that we have collected-, but in which the problem of how we are interpreting this information is discussed. For the most part, the emphasis is put on the fact that the classic interpretation have been taken too far, a valid and elegant interpretation when it appeared several decades ago, but which was a first reading and that, thanks to the large amount of new information that have been gathered, should be revised in depth. The key idea proposed here is, perhaps, some scholars would have liked the reality of Granadan frontier to be different, but we must accept that this strip of land did not join but, in fact, separated two distinct and violently opposed societies and that, therefore, the most common behaviour was that of violence, its expressions and its derivations.


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