Focus and Scope

Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval is a yearly scholarly publication indexed, peer-reviewed, and distributed by UCO Press. Regularly published since 1993, Revista is the official journal of SOFIME (Sociedad de Filosofía Medieval). Its official venue is the University of Córdoba (Spain).

The main scope of Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval is the broad field of studies on medieval thought. Its most specific aim is to provide scholarship with outstanding scientific contributions specifically on the scientific and philosophical reflections developed through the Middle Ages, their sources, and their influence throughout the Renaissance and the Early-Modern Period. Any original contribution to the study on the four main medieval traditions – Latin, Arabic, Hebrew, and Greek – is welcomed, especially if focused on the transmission of knowledge among these different frameworks. While the main interest of the journal ultimately resides in the philosophical analysis of doctrinal positions held by medieval and early-modern thinkers, papers examining the historical context of those positions are welcomed as well, recognising the implicit link between historical and philosophical study of medieval thought.  The journal also welcomes original papers on the broad history of scientific reflection, from the Late Antiquity to the Early-Modern Period, especially when linked to their medieval developments or sources.

Dedicated sections of the journal aim at publishing critical reviews of new published books, as well as scientific notes of short length. In exceptional cases, Revista Española de Filosofía Medievalaccepts modern translations of medieval and early-modern texts of short length and duly introduced. Translations should be realised bearing in mind their twofold aim of divulgation andscholarly contribution: the editorial committee will accept the submission only of those papers meeting both these requirements.

The submitted articles must be original contributions. Please, notice that the journal will accept a limited number of contributions by the same author. Authors should be aware that Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval will hold the rights of the published articles. Consequently, published articles must not be published, either entirely or partially, in any other publications without an explicit authorization by the journal editorial committee.

Peer Review Process

The editorial board of the Revista will assure an objective peer-review process, avoiding any possible conflict of interest. In this sense, the journal confirms that reviewed articles should be treated confidentially.

Papers must be submitted anonymously in order to undergo the blind peer-review process. Two scholars among the most eminent experts in the field will review the manuscript. The peer-reviewers will not be members of the editorial committee or its board, but may belong to assessing board. The journal editors will choose the referees in consideration of scientific merits and professional experience. Reviewers will submit a detailed report on the quality, interest, and potential impact of the manuscript, which will be carefully considered by the editorial committee while assessing the manuscript submission. In case of disagreement between the two reports, the manuscript will be submitted to a third referee.

Acceptation and refusal of the manuscript, as well as suggested or required modifications, will be promptly communicated to the author. Inclusion of required modification into the manuscript is conditional to its final acceptation. If considered necessary by the editorial committee, the new version of the manuscript will undergo a further peer-review process before being eventually accepted (or rejected). Authors will be kept appraised throughout the editorial process.

Once the paper is accepted, the peer-reviewed and revised version of the manuscript must be uploaded to the OJS platform. The journal will send to the author the article proofs, which must be corrected and returned within 25 days.

The publication of an article in the Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval is free of charge, meaning there are no article processing fees.

Publishing Practices in Gender Equality

The Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval promotes gender equality through inclusive publishing practices.

  • It maintains a balanced composition in its editorial team as in its panel of reviewers.
  • Includes the full name of authors in all published works.
  • In addition, it has specific protocols to avoid any discriminatory practice based on sex, gender or sexual orientation, both in the internal organization of the publication and in managing the editorial flow. For more information, see the practical guide for the inclusion of the gender perspective in research contents (Spanish PDF).

Open Access and Reuse Policies

This journal provides free access to its content under the principle that research should be made freely available to the public, which encourages a greater global knowledge exchange.
The Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval follows the principles of the international movement. Where it is established that there is no technological and economic barrier to access the contents of the magazine. That is, guarantee the free, irrevocable and worldwide right to access information, as well as copy, use, distribute, transmit, display, make hard copies for personal use, make adaptations and rights as well as their respective distribution, with acknowledgments appropriate to authorship. In addition, it provides access to a full version of the document and its complementary materials with the indication of permission for its use in electronic format and its deposit in institutional, academic or governmental repositories.
