RICHARD CAMPBELL, Rethinking Anselm’s Arguments: A Vindication of his Proof of the Existence of God, Boston, Brill, 2018
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Since Anselm first published his 9rosfogion in in the late fi070s, two things have generally been assumed: first, that his argument for the existence of God is a form of what later became known as an ontological argument; and, second, that this argument resided in Chapter 2 of a 26-chapter work. Campbell’s latest book challenges both of these, de- monstrating with convincing force that the latter is false and the former unlikely. Consequent to this challenging of the status quo, as the book’s subtitle suggests, Campbell provides a persuasive vindication of Anselm’s arguments, to the point of declaring them a valid proof for the existence of God.
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Westenberg, A. (2019). RICHARD CAMPBELL, Rethinking Anselm’s Arguments: A Vindication of his Proof of the Existence of God, Boston, Brill, 2018. Revista Española De Filosofía Medieval, 26(1), 164–167.