Nicole Oresme on the Movements of Javelin Throwers: a Peripatetic Reading of De Configurationibus II, 37

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Valérie Cordonier


In this contribution, I analyze a text by Oresme which gives a rather original explanation of the process of throwing a javelin and, more generally, of the actions of people who seem to have a kind of natural ability to succeed in their actions (De Configurationibus II, 37). In highlighting some sources that appear to have been present on the author’s mind although they were hitherto neglected in Oresmian studies, I would like to show that his presentation of this specific kind of motion is deeply rooted in the scholastic theological tradition and that this tradition makes this chapter seem much less strange than it might seem at first glance.


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Cordonier, V. (2022). Nicole Oresme on the Movements of Javelin Throwers: a Peripatetic Reading of De Configurationibus II, 37. Revista Española De Filosofía Medieval, 29(1), 157–198.




ms. BAV, Vat. lat. 4709
ms. BAV, Vat. Lat. Borghese 329
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