La estructura escolástica en el Tractatus de legibus et legislatore Deo / The Scholastic Structure in Tractatus de legibus et legislatore Deo
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Francisco Suárez was a Jesuit priest who lived between the mid 16th century and the begining of the 17th century, in Spain when it was governed bay the kings of the Austria House. His writings are mainly theological, but he also wrote about politics. In fact, proof of that can be found in De legibus et legislatore Deo and in the Defensio fidei catholicae adversus anglicanae sectae errores. In De legibus, a treatise which consists of ten books, he develops the topic of the law by using the scholastic method of his time. That’s why, before expressing his point of view and giving his necessary reasons, he analises, compares and makes the critic of phylosophers who dealt with the topic. His erudiction was very vast, because he mentions texts and authors before him, not only medieval but also Greek thinkers.
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BELTRAMO, O. (2012). La estructura escolástica en el Tractatus de legibus et legislatore Deo / The Scholastic Structure in Tractatus de legibus et legislatore Deo. Revista Española De Filosofía Medieval, 19, 23–30.