Del Viejo al Nuevo Mundo: el tránsito de la noción de dominio y derecho natural de Francisco de Vitoria a Alonso de la Veracruz / From Old to New World: the Transition of the Concept on Dominium and Natural Rights in Francisco de Vitoria and Alonso de la Veracruz
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This article studies Francisco de Vitoria´s relectio De Indis and Alonso de la Veracruz´s Speculum Coniugiorum relectio proving important differences on either texts. Both authors disert on dominium and natural rights, but Vitoria recognizes a more important influence of the authority and external causes on moral acts whereas de la Veracruz gives all the importance to intrinsic principles of human decisions. Aspe argues that these differences are due to two different elements involved on Alonso´s arguments: his direct contact within american indians, while Vitoria never came to America and didn´t experienced the encounter of «the others», and, a more profound philosophical influence from Escoto and moderate nominalist Jean Charlier Gerson.
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ASPE ARMELLA, V. (2010). Del Viejo al Nuevo Mundo: el tránsito de la noción de dominio y derecho natural de Francisco de Vitoria a Alonso de la Veracruz / From Old to New World: the Transition of the Concept on Dominium and Natural Rights in Francisco de Vitoria and Alonso de la Veracruz. Revista Española De Filosofía Medieval, 17, 143–155.