Gnoseología y teoría de la ciencia en Roberto Grosseteste / Gnoseology and Science Theory in Robert Grosseteste
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In the complex and heterogeneous work of Grosseteste, it is hard to divide analytically diverse subjects separating theological from philosophical, and within those, the diverse problematic fields. However, certain connection can be established. So, it seems that the theory of light, an essential theoretical element constitutive of its metaphysics, connects directly to the theory of illumination, guiding it´s gnoseology in the agustinino-neoplatonizante line which characterized the first period of the oxoniens philosophy. At the same time, Grosseteste was an early receptor of the Aristotle’s science theory, which assimilated correctly, as shown in his comments to the Seconds Analytics of the Estagirita. The connection between gnoseology and science theory seems to be a complicated issue, even unresolved. This paper aims to study the specific theme, trying to point the nexus (not always well integrated) between the mayor principles of knowledge, the epistemological lines and their concretion in a innovative science theory whose echoes might be traced in the philosophers who incurred in physic´s matters (specially kinetic and kinematical) through the following two centuries.
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LÉRTORA MENDOZA, C. A. (2009). Gnoseología y teoría de la ciencia en Roberto Grosseteste / Gnoseology and Science Theory in Robert Grosseteste. Revista Española De Filosofía Medieval, 16, 11–22.