Entresijos de la controversia predestinataria en el siglo IX / Details of the Predestinarian Controversy in the Ninth Century
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The aim of this paper is to clarify certain details of the predestinarian controversy that took place in France in the ninth century, between Gottschalck and his followers, on one side, and their opponents Raban Maur and Hincmar of Reims on the other. We consider it interesting to point out that their interpretations concerning divine predestination had their origins in different places in France, and we can refer, in this sense, to distinct spiritual geographies in their opposed approaches to God’s foreknowledge of future events. We will also try to prove that the two proposals concerning the nature of predestination were not so conflicting as the intensity of the controversy seems to reflect.
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BELTRÁN, M. (2009). Entresijos de la controversia predestinataria en el siglo IX / Details of the Predestinarian Controversy in the Ninth Century. Revista Española De Filosofía Medieval, 16, 137–148. https://doi.org/10.21071/refime.v16i.6184