Dios, libertad y amor en Duns Escoto / God, Freedom and Love in Duns Scot
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This paper examines the value awarded by Duns Escoto to the defence of god -understood as Lave- who acts in a completely free mannner and is omnipotent. I also studies the implications of his philosophical position when confrontingthe relationships between faith and reason, theology and philosophy, intellect and will, necessity and contingency. His analysis of The Philosopher, Aristotle, is also discussed.
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VERDÚ BERGANZA, I. (2008). Dios, libertad y amor en Duns Escoto / God, Freedom and Love in Duns Scot. Revista Española De Filosofía Medieval, 15, 101–111. https://doi.org/10.21071/refime.v15i.6198