Antonius Andreae y la cultura clásica / Antonius Andreae and Classical Culture
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Tomàs and Joaquim Carreras stated (1943) that either the Scriptum super Metaphysicam Aristotelis was not genuinely by Antonius Andreae († ca. 1333), or it was subjected to interpolations because its author demonstrates knowledge of classical culture and a mentality characteristic of the fifteenth century. Experts currently consider this work to be genuinely by Andreae; but could it also have been subjected to interpolations? Only a detailed examination of the manuscript and printed tradition will, in the future, allow this question to be answered definitively. For the moment, this article analyses the knowledge of classical culture demonstrated in this work, and concludes that it is compatible with the knowledge available to an author from the beginning of the fourteenth century.
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MENSA I VALLS, J. (2015). Antonius Andreae y la cultura clásica / Antonius Andreae and Classical Culture. Revista Española De Filosofía Medieval, 22, 23–32.
Tribute to Josep Manuel Udina