La Teología Mística de San Buenaventura (1217-1274) en el Itinerarium mentis in Deum / The Mystical Theology of St. Bonaventure (1217-1274) in the Itinerarium mentis in Deum

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In this article we show how all the thought of St. Bonaventure is directed to contemplation of the Supreme Good both theology and from philosophy, so that the mystical theology of his De triplici via (purgative, illuminative and unitive) directly influences the mystical doctrine of Itinerarium mentis in Deum, especially starting with Chapter VI. In short, contemplation of Crucified Christ constitutes the path of this mystical ascent.


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How to Cite
TAUSTE ALCOCER, F. (2015). La Teología Mística de San Buenaventura (1217-1274) en el Itinerarium mentis in Deum / The Mystical Theology of St. Bonaventure (1217-1274) in the Itinerarium mentis in Deum. Revista Española De Filosofía Medieval, 22, 77–82.
Tribute to Josep Manuel Udina