La metodología de las ciencias según Boecio: su recepción en las obras y traducciones de Domingo Gundisalvo

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Alexander FIDORA


Scholars during the last century dealing with the transmission of knowledge in the work of Gundissalinus have been paying much -if not exclusive- attention to his reception and integration of Arabo-Jewish elements. However, it seems indispensable for a suitable understanding of this process of integration to take into account also the archdeacon's reception of the Latin-Christian, tradition, for it conditions the aforesaid process. Starting from Gundissalinus' reception of Boethius' methodology of the sciences, the present article pretends to show how the problems Gundissalinus encountered in his own tradition affect his reception and his translation of the Arabo-Jewish philosophy.


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SPECIAL ISSUE: Transmission of Knowledge in the Middle Ages