Gestión de la calidad del servicio y los factores que inciden en la productividad en las empresas hoteleras del Cantón San Vicente año 2021

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Martha Eloisa Macias Moreira
Eliana Poveda Cedeño


Tourism is one of the most representative sectors of the economic activity of the San Vicente canton, where there are services that offer different types of actions that help in the development of this canton that is always in search of sustainable productive and economic growth. One of the elements of the tourism and hotel industries is gastronomic diversity, which is demanded by national and international tourists. The objective of this scientific article is to analyze the management of service quality and the factors that affect productivity in hotel companies in the canton of San Vicente, Manabí, Ecuador, emphasizing the evaluation of service quality as tourist integration. The type of research used in the scientific article has a field approach, with validated instruments, such as surveys and interviews, to clients, employees and managers of hotel companies, which generate reliable information, demonstrated a proposal that contributes to enhancing the quality of service In this sector. The theoretical foundation is achieved through bibliographic review, managing to identify the most relevant scientific information. The main results are the difficulties regarding the organizational structure of hotels and restaurants in this canton; Concluding the investigation through the assessment of the situation of the management of the quality of the service and the factors that affect the productivity in the hotel companies, evidencing the shortcomings in the management and coordination of actions of promotion and implementation of the culture of tourist excellence of canton.


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