RITUREM journal is firmly committed to Open Access to Science and publishes all its articles using the Golden Route: immediate free access to its contents based on the principle that making research available to the public for free promotes the global exchange of knowledge. It also promotes gender equality and transparency as essential principles of its editorial policy. All articles in this journal are published under a Non-commercial 4.0 Attribution license. International.

This journal also complies with the Initiative and the I40C standards to promote the unrestricted availability of academic citation data. https://i4oc.org/ i4oc

RITUREM adopts the COPE Code of Ethics,which is widely used among scientific journals, which will be used to resolve ethical issues in relation to the editing, evaluation and publication of articles.


RITUREM is also attached to the San Francisco Declaration on DORA Scientific Assessment, which promotes a change in the research evaluation system that is based on the impact factor, emphasizing the quality of research and not its publication.

1. Publication and authorship

RITUREM requires authors to observe strict rules regarding editorial ethics in order to avoid undesirable situations of plagiarism and the publication of the same research in more than one journal, as well as to duplicate the publication of the authors' own work - in whole or in part - without due mention and misappropriation of the work of other authors.  Allegations of conduct and misconduct will be discussed initially with the appropriate author. If the argument persists, the matter will be referred to the author's institution, other authors and journals that may be affected and the relevant funding bodies for their research and prosecution.

2. Author's Responsibilities

Authors are required to participate in a peer review process as well as they are all required to having contributed significantly to the research submitted for evaluation and that all the data contained in their articles be real and authentic. All authors are required to make mistakes fixes or changes.

3. Peer review and reviewers' responsibility

The trials of the journal's peer review will be objective, and reviewers should have no conflict of interest with research, authors and/or research funders. In this regard, the journal shall ensure that the reviewers indicate, where appropriate, the relevant published work that is not cited in the articles under review, and that they, on the other hand, are treated confidentially.

4. Editorial responsibilities

The editors of the journal assume full responsibility and authority to reject or accept an article. Publishers confirm that they have no conflict of interest with articles they reject/accept, which they will only accept an article when they are certain of its authenticity. If errors are found, publishers will encourage the publication of correction or retractions, preserving the anonymity of collaborators

5, Editorial ethics issues

Editorial ethics will be controlled and protected by the editorial board of the journal from the observation of the guidelines for accepted articles, maintaining the integrity of the academic record. The journal will always be ready to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when necessary, not publishing in any case plagiarism or fraudulent data.

In addition, the Editorial and Editorial Board of the journal has at the disposal of the editors and evaluators of the journal the anti-plagiarism software TURNITIN, provided by the University Library of the University of Córdoba. The Turnitin program allows you to detect copies between document fragments and reports the percentage of copy and the fonts used. Provides additional help to editors and reviewers in evaluating submitted work. In no case, however, is this automatic system intended to replace the qualitative assessment of the articles submitted for publication of the journal by the editors and reviewers.