The International Journal of Tourism, Business and Territory (RITUREM) has four sections: articles, bibliographic reviews and reviews, knowledge pills and chronicle of events. Authors wishing to publish a paper in the journal should strictly adhere to the following publication rules, so that otherwise the work may be dismissed.


Articles should use this template  that the journal suggests and gives the authors. The submission of the work will mean formally admitting that the work has not already been published, either in Spanish or any other language, or that it has been sent to other journals or publications simultaneously.

1.1. Originality and ethics of the work.

The works submitted must be original and unpublished. All work received must conform to the journal’s "Declaration of Editorial Ethical Conduct and Rejection of Bad Practices", and will otherwise be dismissed.

1.2. Sending articles.

The sending of works is only done online through the journal’s website. Authors must register with the "author" role on the journal site and enter with their name and password in order to submit their work from the "Start a new submission" section. In case of doubt, please contact the management of RITUREM journal. There are no charges for the article processing charges in the International Journal of Tourism, Business and Territory. There is also no fee for the submission charges, or when they are accepted for publication. The process of receiving, managing and evaluating the works is free of charges for authorship by the journal.

The document must be in Word® or similar format. The page format must necessarily be in A4 size with margins of 2.5 cm on the left, right, top and bottom. The pages will be numbered at the bottom right. Articles will be at least 15 pages long and maximum 30 pages long, including title, footnotes, references, figures and annexes.

The Notes or works in the "Knowledge Pills" section shall not exceed 10 pages and shall be written using the same layout and style template of the journal 's articles. Bibliographic reviews will take up to 3 pages. The Editorial Team may, when appropriate, request the author to reduce those works that can manifestly be shortened, and exceptionally, admit those that exceed the extent referred to.

1.3. Languages.

Works written in Spanish, English, French, Portuguese and Italian are supported. Articles written in a language other than Spanish must include an abstract in this language, as well as in American English.

1.4. Structure.

In the articles, the topic discussed must be adapted to this structure, based on the IMRYD writing model, in general: Summary, including keywords. Abstract, including keywords.

  • Introduction: This section can be divided into subsections. The introduction should carefully reproduce and review the current state of the art of field of research and key publications should be duly cited. Please highlight controversial and divergent hypotheses when necessary. At the end of the paragraph you should define the main purpose and objective of the work and its importance in the state of the issue. 
  • Methodology: This section can be divided into sub-sections. In the case of an area or case study, it should be presented and clearly described in a broad context and highlight why it is important at the local level. Likewise, the use of images and / or cartography is recommended for its location and geographical identification. Sources of work will be listed and justified. The analysis criteria and procedures used in the investigation will be explained. The goodness of the choice of the working method of the research in relation, if any, to other employees in similar-themed research shall be justified. Quotes will be included to scientific papers that have inspired the methodological proposal used.
  • Results: This section can be divided in sub-sections. It should provide a concise and accurate description of the experimental results, their interpretation and the main innovation problems obtained from the applied analysis. To do this, graphic and cartographic resources can be incorporated to facilitate the presentation of the results achieved.
  • Discussion of results: This section can be divided in sub-sections. Authors should discuss, support and compare the results according to existing literature (using references from similar studies) and how they can be interpreted in the perspective of previous studies and working hypotheses. The findings and their implications should be discussed in the broadest possible context. Future research directions can also be highlighted. 
  • Conclusions: It is here established the verification of the initial hypotheses raised in the research and justifies the interest and novelty of the work for the subject analyzed or the scientific discipline from which it has been addressed. This section shall be clear and precise. When work is addressed at the local level, based on case studies, cross-cutting conclusions should be offered to advance general knowledge and facilitate its application to other areas of study. This section should also provide a synthesis of the progress of the research carried out, its applied interest and possible lines of work to be developed in the future.
  • Funding: This section should include, where appropriate, references to any donation or financial support from research or administrative institutions (grants, research projects, national support, etc.).
  • Acknowledgements: This optional section may recognize, when appropriate, any support given that it is not covered by the contribution of authorship or funding sections. This may include administrative and technical support, or in-kind donations (e.g. materials used for experiments). 
  • Annexes: This is an optional section that may contain details and supplementary data to the main text. For example, explanations or details that could disrupt the flow of the main text, but which are nevertheless crucial to understanding and reproducing the research shown. All sections of the Annex should be cited in the main text. 
  • References: This section shall refer to the literature used and cited in the text of the article.

1.5. Text

To ease the adaptation of the text of the article to the style and editing standards of the RITUREM journal, authors must use the template available in self-editable Word format that they can download in the first line of text under the heading "1. ITEMS".

The font used in the article in general and throughout the text will be Times New Roman, body 12, with simple leading and subsequent spacing between 6 pts paragraphs. The titles of the figures and tables will also be in the same typeface, except for footnotes, which will use a body 10. The text and footnotes of the work must be justified. A 1 cm indent will be included at the beginning of each paragraph. The article title will be lowercase, bold style, and centered paragraph. Times New Roman and Body 14. It will be expressive and direct, avoiding the subordinate sentences and expressions of the type "the case of...". As a guideline, the title should not exceed a dozen words and should consider, where appropriate, the area of study analyzed. After the title, in addition, the title translated into English will appear, in lowercase, bold, italic and paragraph centered and body 12 Times New Roman. Then, in separate online will be provided the first and last name(s) of the author or first author, below the complete affiliation of this and in a third line his contact email, all of this will be lowercase and centered. If the author has an Orcid ID, it must be provided below the email. The same data of each of the authors of the work should then appear. In addition, the author for correspondence shall be identified by asterisk. The editorial team will delete any identifying information (authorship data, authorship, references, metadata with personal information, etc.) before sending to external evaluation and will take the necessary actions to ensure the anonymity of the authorship. Then a summary will go, unnumbered. It will consist of a single paragraph of approximately 200 words maximum, with Times New Roman font and body 11.

For research articles, abstract summaries    should give a relevant description of the work. We strongly recommend that authorship use the following style of structured summaries, but without headings:  (1) Background:  place the question addressed in a broad context and highlight the purpose of the study; (2) Methods:  briefly describe the main methods or approaches applied; (3) Results:  Summarize the main findings of the article; (4) Discussion:  Compare your findings with the literature, and  (5) Conclusions:  Indicate the main conclusions, recommendations and future research. Then the keywords will appear: List three to eight relevant keywords specific to the article, separated by a semicolon. In case study-based documents, provide the location (geographic keyword). Below will be the summary and keywords correctly written in English (abstract and keywords), equally unnumbered. In the case of articles submitted in English, French or Portuguese, they must be accompanied by the title translated into Spanish, which will be provided below the title in the language of the text of the work and will appear in lowercase, bold, italic and centered style. After the key words will include a summary and keywords in Spanish. The sections in which the article is structured shall be numbered in Arabic, correlatively, followed by a period, in lowercase and bold, according to the following guidelines (except the summary, abstract, possible thanks, annexes and references that are not numbered): 1st level (Section 1., 2,3., etc.); 2nd level: (paragraph 1.1., 1.2., 1.3., etc.); 3rd level (1.1.1., 1.1.2., etc.). Fourth-level sections will be avoided. The subdivision of headings does not proceed when there is only one category (there will be no 2.1. if there is no 2.2.). The line (—shall be used to enclose clarifications or subsections. For example, the existing bibliography—even in Spanish—is quite extensive. The hyphen (-) will be used to link compound words, establish relationships between concepts or proper names. Ex: historical-critical; Tajo-Safe; Benefit. Numbering: - In texts written in Spanish the period will be used to separate numbers of more than four digits and the comma to separate the entire part of the decimal. Ex: 10,235.37 - In English-written texts the comma will be used to separate numbers from more than four digits and the period to separate the entire part of the decimal. E.g. 10,235.37 This guideline, in addition to the body of the text, is extended to any graphic element that nurtures the research.

1.6. Figures and tables.

Figures and tables will be numbered correlatively as such (Figure 1., Table 1., etc.) and will appear in the work in its corresponding place. Each of them will carry a short title at its top and below will be quoted the source of it. It should appear as follows: - "Source: (as appropriate, if applicable)" and then separated by period and followed by "Own elaboration" (if applicable). - In the case of being a table or figure of own authorship should appear only "Own elaboration", without the word "source". - And if it is a photograph of the authorship it should be indicated: "Photograph of the author(s) (without the word "source"). Figures cannot occupy more than one entire page (tables do). If you accept the work to be published, the journal may ask the author to send the figures and tables individually from the website in JPEG, TIFF, PSD or PDF format, in color and will necessarily have the quality and size sufficient to be reproduced optimally (recommended 300ppp resolution). The authorship shall ensure that the intellectual property rights of the possible graphic material used in its text and are alien to it are not infringed.

1.7. Footnotes.

They will always be numbered in Arabic (even those that may appear in the titles of the works). They shall be used only in the absolutely necessary cases. Its purpose will never be to host only quotations - which must be included in the text - or references - the development of which corresponds in the final section called "References". However, and exceptionally, depending on the characteristics and contents of the article, these footnotes will be allowed as a form of complete bibliographic citation of publications, legal references, archival documents and social networks. They will not be supported at the end of the article, such as plain text or similar.

1.8. Citations and bibliographical references.

It will be used for the section of bibliographic references of the published works the APA (American Psychological Association), sixth edition. For more detailed information on the APA Standards, see summary of the APA Standards and guidance examples at the Internet web address: The journal does not publish works with a high rate of self-citations.

Citations from works published by other authors in the journal itself or to the author's earlier works or in other scientific journals or publications are considered to be self-citations


The journal RITUREM supports bibliographic reviews of recent works relating to Tourism and related topics of any scientific, academic or technical-professional discipline. Reviews of works signed by the authors of the books reviewed will not be accepted. RITUREM journal also accepts event and news reviews that report on tourism initiatives of professional, technical or academic interest. The extent of these reviews or recensions shall not exceed 4,000 words. In no case will any reviews that have been reviewed or commented on in other publications or media be accepted for publication. Bibliographical reviews shall not include graphics, maps, or photographs, and shall occupy a maximum of three pages, in compliance with the typographical standards indicated in the "articles" section. In the case of reviews of events or tourist news of interest, photographs, graphics or other types of images will be accepted although without being able to overcome these reviews all four pages. They will also be submitted to the opinion of the editorial team, although not to external peer evaluation. The Editorial Team will give the authors a reasoned way whether to accept their bibliographic review, indicating whether any modification is necessary.


The Drafting Council will commission renowned specialists and professionals from the tourism field or be able to accept on their initiative, the elaboration of short texts whose objective will be to publicize new trends, definitions and conceptualizations, typologies or novelties within the tourism sector, as well as clarifications and analyses on aspects of business and professional tourism interest. This section will be characterized by the specificity and dissemination of its collaborations, without prejudice to its professional and technical rigor, so communications must be brief, concise, innovative and relevant within the tourist activity. Its maximum length will be 10 pages.


The proposal for a monograph must be made by the coordinator of the whole and at the initiative of Research Groups, university centers and departments, scientific associations, etc., specifying title, authors and articles thereof, and justifying the interest of such monograph in a short text (100 words). The Drafting Council shall decide whether to authorize the proposal submitted and shall communicate this decision to its coordinator. The monograph shall consist of a brief presentation by its coordinator and a maximum of six articles. These shall be governed by the same rules as the other articles of the journal in terms of extension and evaluation.


The author, who from his/her profile on the platform obtains information about the status of his/her work, will receive once the entire evaluation process is complete, a single sample in .pdf format already designed and ready to be published. The author must, within 7 days, respond by indicating any corrections to be applied, if possible inserted as notes in the .pdf document. These will be of the type of point spelling corrections and small errors, in no case can you add texts, figures... or request significant variations at this stage of the process. After the deadline stipulated, RITUREM's editorial team will decide on the publication, or not, of the work whose sample has not been received a response from the author(s). Once the number is published, a process that will be carried out only once and with all the contents of it at the same time, the author will receive a notification via e-mail, indicating that his work has already come to light and is accessible to all audiences.


In case of works signed by more than one author RITUREM will keep correspondence with the person who has been intended as "primary contact for editorial correspondence" during the shipment. Any communication that an author or reviewer wishes to establish with the journal should preferably be made from the sheet of the job that is the subject of the message, on the platform. The presentation of an original in RITUREM implies acceptance of all the above rules of publication by the author.

The Editorial Board of the journal undertakes that the expected period from receipt of work on the online platform to the completion of the review by anonymous peers is no longer than 2.5 months and between the latter - if it is favorable - and the final publication of the article, no more than 3 months.


RITUREM is a journal associated with Geocritiq (, an Ibero-American digital platform for the dissemination of scientific work that encourages authors interested in expanding the dissemination of their work already published in our journal to write a newspaper article of the same, adapted to the rules of writing of the platform (available at: and send it to Geocritiq for consideration and possible publication.


As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify that their shipment complies with all the items shown below. Submissions that do not comply with these guidelines will be returned to authors.

    1. The submission has not been previously published in any other medium nor has it been submitted, nor is it and will be submitted to consideration by any other journal while it is in the evaluation phase at RITUREM.
    2. The sending file is in Microsoft Word format or similar. The text has 12 font size points, simple leading, and all figures and tables are placed in the appropriate text places (rather than at the end).
    3. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements summarized in the Authors Guidelines, which appear in About the Journal.
    4. If the work is submitted to the articles section, it ensures that it contains the title in Spanish or written language of the article and English, a summary and keywords and an abstract and keywords as indicated by the Authors Guidelines
    5. If you submit to a peer-evaluated section (articles) you agree to follow the instructions in Ensure an anonymous peer evaluation.
    6. Appointments and references scrupulously follow the structure stipulated in Guidelines for Authors and Standards for creating quotations and references correctly
    7. The URLs and DOI numbers of the references are provided as far as possible.
    8. The authors ensure that all persons who sign this work have participated in its creation and/or elaboration in whole or in part and that no signature is omitted.
    9. The authors, while retaining the rights of authorship over their works, consent to assign in a non-exclusive and unlimited way in time the rights of exploitation (reproduction, editing, distribution, public communication and exhibition) to the journal by any means known or to be known.
    10. Authors are responsible for all the purposes of the opinions reflected in their works. They are also responsible for any issues arising from the application of intellectual property legislation and exempt RITUREM journal completely from this responsibility.
    11. The authors certify their express agreement with the journal 's "Declaration of Editorial Ethical Conduct and Rejection of Bad Practices" and declare that their work does not violate any of the principles detailed in the section.


Authors who publish on RITUREM agree on the following terms:

    1. Authorship retains the rights to its works, although it assigns non-exclusive exploitation rights (reproduction, editing, distribution, public communication and exhibition) to the journal. The authors are therefore free to make additional separate contractual agreements for the non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published in the journal (for example, they may host the work in any institutional or specialized repository or publish it in a book), provided that there is an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal.
    2. The authors assure that the International Journal of Tourism, Business and Territory is the first medium to publish their work and guarantee that while it is in the evaluation phase and possible publication in our journal has not been sent, nor will it send to other media.
    3. This publication is licensed under a Creative Commons license from Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International: Derivative works are allowed attributing authorship and as long as no commercial use is made (CC-BY-NC), unless otherwise noted. This is that the material can be shared and adapted as long as it is attributing to authorship, the first medium that publishes and provides a link to the license. It is also necessary to indicate whether any changes have been made.
    4. Authors are allowed and encouraged to disseminate their work electronically after publication on RITUREM through institutional and thematic repositories, on their personal website or affiliation center, on social networks, etc., in order to achieve productive exchanges and to get the work to achieve greater citation (see The Effect of Open Access).