Impact measurement and tourism planning: technology or politics?

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Manuel Angel Santana Turégano
Nieves Yanira Hernández Fernández


In recent years manifold systems of indicators have been developed for analysing the economic, social and environmental impacts of tourism, and the idea that the main task of Destination Management Organizations should be to measure and manage tourism impacts using tools such as balanced scorecards has found widespread acceptance. In this context, the development of Smart Destinations is considered to be a way to organize tourism planning that would allow decision makers to make better decisions and maximize the balance of positive and negative impacts of tourism. This paper presents a theoretical contribution that stems from a project that developed a system of indicators for measuring the impact of tourism in the Canary Islands using a data visualization device, whose usefulness was validated by stakeholders. Project results suggest that the benefit of Big Data tools for decision making in tourism planning could depend upon the governance structure, and that is necessary to embed socially and politically these tools for stakeholders to perceive them as useful devices for decision making and not as mere devices for imposing interests.
Keywords: tourism impacts; smart destinations; balanced scorecards; strategic management; critical management studies; Canary Islands,


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How to Cite
Santana Turégano, M. A., & Hernández Fernández, N. Y. (2020). Impact measurement and tourism planning: technology or politics?. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TOURISM, BUSINESS AND TERRITORY, 4(1), 61–78.
Author Biography

Nieves Yanira Hernández Fernández, Universidad de La Laguna

Profesora de la Fundación Universidad-Empresa de la Universidad de La Laguna