The tourist transformation of seaports. Cases from Spain and UK

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Many cities around the world have transformed their old industrial ports to introduce new tourist uses. From the pioneer example of Baltimore (United States), the model has been repeated and adapted in cities on the five continents, given the obsolescence of the facilities and the demand for new consumption spaces. This paper analyzes the cases of Malaga (Andalusia, Spain) and Plymouth (England, United Kingdom) to adapt them to the visit of cruises and yachts, as well as commercial and leisure activities. The methodology is based on fieldwork and analysis of documentary sources. Five approaches have been taken into account: external accessibility, internal mobility, activities, heritage protection, and integration in the urban context. The results are presented in comparative maps and a reflection on the degree of integration achieved in both cases is included. The conclusions and methodology can be applied in other cases of cities that are currently adapting their port areas to attract a larger number of visitors.

Keywords: waterfront, historic city, urban regeneration, heritage, urban tourism, urbanism, planning


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How to Cite
BARRERA-FERNÁNDEZ, D., HERNÁNDEZ-ESCAMPA, M., & GÓMEZ BACHILLER, E. M. (2023). The tourist transformation of seaports. Cases from Spain and UK. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TOURISM, BUSINESS AND TERRITORY, 7(1), 133–150.
Author Biographies

DANIEL BARRERA-FERNÁNDEZ, Autonomous University of Oaxaca "Benito Juárez", Mexico

Professor and Researcher at the Autonomous University of Oaxaca "Benito Juárez". Faculty of Architecture “5 de Mayo”, Mexico

MARCO HERNÁNDEZ-ESCAMPA, Autonomous University of Oaxaca "Benito Juárez", Mexico

Professor and Researcher at the Faculty of Architecture of the Autonomous University of Oaxaca "Benito Juárez", Mexico.

EVA MARÍA GÓMEZ BACHILLER, University of Seville, Spain

Technical Architect and Autonomous Professional. Faculty of Building Engineering of the University of Seville, Spain.