Transformational tourism governance: the case of Cordoba and its province

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Of course, climate change is global, but how does this translate at the local or regional level, at the level of a city and its peri-urban and rural environment at the tourism level? This is the subject of this research carried out in Córdoba and its Province: how is climate change perceived? What leadership do local authorities, politicians and civil society leaders have? What governance do they plan? Are they aware of the importance of the need for transformational governance at the local and provincial level? What are the good practices implemented at these two levels, local and provincial? What are the tipping points, that is, the thresholds beyond which the consequences will be disastrous and irreversible, and what must be controlled at the local and provincial level?

Keywords: Climate emergency, biodiversity crisis, transformational governance, climate leadership, Córdoba and Province, tourism, culture.


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How to Cite
LANQUAR, R. (2025). Transformational tourism governance: the case of Cordoba and its province. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TOURISM, BUSINESS AND TERRITORY, 8(2), 240–253.
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Author Biography

ROBERT LANQUAR, Swiss UMEF University of Applied Sciences Institute. Geneva, Switzerland

Doctor in “Economy and Law of Tourism” - University Aix-Marseilles III, France. Swiss UMEF University of Applied Sciences Institute. Genève, Suisse.