Tourism response and recovery from Covid-19 in historic urban destinations (cases from Belgium and the Netherlands)




Covid-19 affected tourism in a particularly hard way, forcing stakeholders at all levels to work on recovery while a number of experts pointed out that the pandemic constituted a momentum to change the future face of tourism. This paper focusses on a potential implementation gap, researching the question how local stakeholders handle the Covid-19 pandemic in practice, both in the short run and in longer term recovery strategies. Is a “business as usual” approach prevalent or can the pandemic be a catalyst for (major) transformations? The cases researched are historic cities in Belgium and the Netherlands. Although these countries lack a dominant tourism industry, especially their cities, as destinations, suffered considerably. Short-term crisis management as well as the vision, strategy and actions on how to recover in the long term, were the subject of a number of online workshops with tourism planning and management officials. These online workshops used an interesting software (MURAL) to fuel the interactive exchange of information and discussion.

Keywords: Covid-19, crisis management, recovery, tourism policy, historic cities, Flanders (Belgium), the Netherlands.


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Como Citar
VANNESTE, D., VAN MEETEREN, V., & NEUTS, B. (2024). Tourism response and recovery from Covid-19 in historic urban destinations (cases from Belgium and the Netherlands). REVISTA INTERNACIONAL DE TURISMO, NEGÓCIOS E TERRITÓRIO, 8(1), 165–184.
Biografias Autor

DOMINIQUE VANNESTE, University of Leuven (KU Leuven). Belgium.

University of Leuven (KU Leuven). Belgium. Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences, Division of Geography & Tourism.

VERE VAN MEETEREN, University of Leuven (KU Leuven). Belgium.

Ma, Intern, Division of Geography and Tourism, University of Leuven (KU Leuven), Leuven, Belgium & University of Nijmegen (Radboud), the Netherlands

BART NEUTS, University of Leuven (KU Leuven), Leuven, Belgium

Dr, Division of Geography and Tourism, University of Leuven (KU Leuven), Leuven, Belgium. He holds a Master in Applied Economics, a Master in Tourism and a PhD in Tourism