German-Spanish terminology management for translation and social interpreting based on cognitive frameworks


  • Olga Koreneva Antonova University Pablo de Olavide



Frame-Based Terminology (Faber et al. 2006; Faber 2022) aims to facilitate terminology management, which benefits from the appropriate structuring of the specialised knowledge underlying the terms. Concepts and their relationships reflect the organisation of the human mental lexicon. In order to carry out terminological work, translators and interpreters must acquire a minimum of specialised notions. The organisation of knowledge into universal cognitive structures for any language (frameworks) helps to represent and understand the corresponding concepts. This facilitates the search for their multilingual equivalents for better professional communication. Following the previous successful experience in the management of medical terminology during the COVID-19 pandemic (Coronavirus-19 Event), it has been proposed to organise the concepts in the refugee and migration field in the REFUGEE EVENT framework. This conceptual structure should facilitate social translation and interpretation in the current complex political situation and the constantly moving migration movement. On the basis of the German-Spanish corpus compiled using the Sketch Engine software tool, it was possible to analyse the corpus and identify the core concepts in the field of refugee care in the EU. By organising the main concepts and the relationships between them in a universal framework structure, the aim is to contribute to terminology management in the field of migration and to facilitate the work of a large number of translators and interpreters specialised in any language.

Key words: translation and interpreting, Frame-Based Terminology, migration, refugee policy, Cognitive Linguistics


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How to Cite

Koreneva Antonova, O. (2023). German-Spanish terminology management for translation and social interpreting based on cognitive frameworks. Skopos. Revista Internacional De Traducción E Interpretación, 14, 89–102.



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