Hebraísmos en la obra historiográfica Yildiz i sus sekretos: el reyno de Abdul Hamid
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Between 19th and 20th centuries, the literature in Judeo-Spanish expression observes a period of flourishing in most countries where different Sephardic communities were settled, such as the northern area of the Maghreb, the Italian peninsula, the Netherlands, among others. The activity in the Ottoman Empire is even greater with the emergence of printing presses and the appearance of works of every literary genre. One of them will be Yildiz and its secrets: the King of Abdul Hamid (Istanbul, 1909) written by Izak Gabay and which is conformed as an exceptional historiographic document. The aim of these pages will be to offer an analysis of the very scarce Hebrew lexicon that presents and the interesting data that can be extracted for the composition and characterization of JudeoSpanish in the Ottoman Empire at this time through it.
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