Dos monedas: The Feminine Self and Otherness on the Journey as Part of the Bildungsroman in Comics

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Daniel Escandell Montiel


This article discusses Nuria Tamarit’s comic Dos monedas (2019), from the point of view of a work focused on showing us the maturation process of a young teenager in her experience of spending several months in Senegal. To do this, the article addresses the context of autofiction in recent comics written and drawn by female authors and how the work that concerns us eschews that resource, but, nevertheless, is dependent on the life of the author herself. From that point onwards, the article approaches the instrumentalization of the main character, Mar, to present the comic as a Bildungsroman that reflects not only on travel and otherness as a process of maturation and liminoid rite of passage, but also as a vindication of Africa on its own terms.


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How to Cite
Escandell Montiel, D. “Dos Monedas: The Feminine Self and Otherness on the Journey As Part of the Bildungsroman in Comics”. Creneida. Journal of Hispanic Literatures, no. 11, Jan. 2024, pp. 88-109, doi:10.21071/calh.vi11.15620.
Special Issue


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